Happu Ki Ultan Paltan 5th-Oct-2021 Written Episode Update:

Episode starts with Happu taking his family to stay at his police station. Rajesh asks if they will stay here for a week. Happu says they will earn a lot of money in 1 week. Amma slaps him and asks if he wants her to sleep in jail in old age. Rajesh says its just a question of 1 week. Children rejoice. Amma asks where will they cook. He says he made all arrangements in jail.

Hrithik says he always dreamt of sleeping on a table. Kat says she didn’t inform Kamlesh that she shifted in police station. Happu warns her not to as Kamlesh will spread news. Malaika says he is a torn drum. Kat asks not to badmouth about Kamlesh. Malaika says he is worst than a torn drum.

Kat visits college library and lies to Kamlesh that her papa is taking her family to Manali for a week. He denies to stay away from her for such a long time and says he will also accompany her. She says papa and Malaika will cut him into pieces. Kamlesh resists to stay away from her. Their drama continues.

In jail, Rajesh cooks food in jail. Children and amma demand special dishes. Rajesh asks if its a picnic. Amma scolds her. Children’s demand continue. At night, Happu and Beni enjoy drinks. Beni says he earned enough rent to fund their whole year’s drinks and is thinking of renting his house for 1 year and shift to Happu’s house.

Also read: Happu Ki Ultan Paltan 4th-Oct-2021 Written Update:

Happu says his house is not a dharamshala. Manohar brings a thief and asks Happu to put him in jail. Happu asks thief to do sit-ups and promise not to teal again and go away. Manohar says this is his life’s first big case and he will get promotion from commissioner. Happu says his family is staying in jail and asks thief to run away right now. Thief demands to feed him home cooked food first.

Rajesh serves dinner to whole family, thief, and Manohar and says she feels they are in a big function. Amma says its a matter of few days. Manohar says he had samosas and snacks from Happy and is having home cooked food for the first time. He and thief finish whole box of rotis. Family continues their drama. Happu scolds thief and sends him out. Whole family then sleeps in jail.

Rajesh gets romantic and says she fantasized of romancing him in jail and explains in detail. Happu also gets romantic. Amma in sleep warns Happu not to hold her hand. Beni sit dreaming about having liquor and falls asleep again. Happu and Rajesh’s romantic discussion continues.

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