Ghum Hai Kisi key Pyaar Meiin 8th-Oct-2021 Written Update:

Episode begins with Pulkit blaming Virat for everyone’s condition in the house even Deviyani condition. Virat says what’s his fault in this this, he just wanted to see Sai. Pulkit tells to Virat that he doesn’t need Sai instead he has Pakhi in his life. Palkhi ask him to stop nonsense infront of his husband. Virat tells to Pulkit that he has signed the surgery paper so he will only arrange blood for Sai. Pulkit taunts Virat and tells him that when Sai will be better and she will see that Virat had signed her consent form so how bad she will feel. Virat says that he doesn’t care and he doesn’t need to justify himself. Pulkit says that he has to go inside as he is saving someone from his family. Pulkit goes inside the operation theatre.

Shivani tells everone at home at are they interested in knowing Sai condition. Ninad tells her to calm down and informs that they were discussing about Sai only. Shivani says that they must have called and asked about Sai condition. She taunts on them that they are not at all concern about Sai, they must be happy as the problem of Virat life is gone. Sonali ask her to stop as she is going against her family only. Samrat calls Omkar and informs him that Sai condition is critical and they cannot find her blood group. Omkar tells him that he will also go and find the blood. Bhawani prays for Sai to get well.

Everyone at home prays for Sai. Bhavani tells that she wants to see her healthy just like before. Shivani tells that she was never fine. She always cared for everone at home but nobody thought about her happiness, everyone wants her out from the house. Ninad ask her to stop and plans to go to hospital. Omkar explains Ninad that they should stay at home and wait for Virat and Samrat phone call. He says that if something bad happens to her. Bhavani tells him to stop and not to bring these words on his mouth. Bhawani prays to God that she have scolded Sai many time, told her hard words but please save Sai. They both Ninad and Bhawani prays for Sai. Sonali looks at them and feels not happy for Sai.

Sai condition is critical. Samrat is trying to arrange blood in all possible ways. Ashwini also prays for Sai in the hospital. Samrat informs Ashwini that he cannot find the blood for Sai. He ask about Virat. Palkhi tells him that they don’t know where he went. Virat arranges blood for Sai and gives it to Samrat. Pulkit thanked Samrat for arranging blood at the right time. Samrat tells to Virat that why didn’t he informed Pulkit that he arranged blood for her. He tells to Samrat that Sai won’t like him arranging blood for her. Virat says that Sai is her responsibility. Virat says that he doesn’t have any idea about Sai this time then why everyone is blaming him. He tells to Samrat not to tell anyone that he had arranged the blood.

Ghum Hai Kisi key Pyaar Meiin 7th-Oct-2021 Written Update:

Ninad calls Samrat and ask about her condition and he is ready to do anything for Sai. Samrat tells to Virat that while looking at him it looks as he cares about Sai. Virat says that he is praying for Sai. Ashwini says to him that Sai will be better soon, and ask him not to loose hope. Pulkit informs Ashwini that her surgery is done and she is in ICU for sometime. Pulkit tells them to meet Sai, when Virat is going to see Sai, Pulkit stops him and tells him that Sai wouldn’t like this, Virat stops.


Virat tells to Pulkit that Sai had come out from death, so he will stay away from her and give her space. Ashwini takes him to meet Sai from outside her room. Virat tells to Sai that hé was asking for husband’s right but now he doesn’t have any right to see her. Sai opens her eyes.

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