Ghar Ek Mandir 4th-Oct-2021 Written Episode Update:

Ghar Ek Mandir 4th October 2021 Genda walks to Maharaji’s room with milk, Maharaji says I dont feel like having, Genda says you didn’t eat in morning as well do have it and are you upset with what happened in morning, Maharaji says all apologised and even you can if you thought I was thief, Genda says no I didn’t,

Maharaji says your thoughts are different than others and so believe in what you think, Genda says I believe in whatever my family says but today whatever happened was wrong and I apologise on their behalf and leaves. Maharaji says I know Genda you are hurt and I will repay for that with my Laxmi Pooja and Shop inauguration.

Nisha walks to Manish and says I am not giving my jewellery and even you don’t give money, Manish says no one wants anything from me why should I give, Nisha says correct and let them bother, they promised nevklace and I am just waiting for your salary, and I am so happy for your job. Manish says so how happy are you, Nisha says come on get ready I will cook for you and blows him flying kiss.

Also read: Ghar Ek Mandir 1st-Oct-2021 Written Episode Update:

Kundan thinking about necklace, Anuradha asks him whats wrong and doesn’t he want to go to shop, Kundan says we promised Babaji necklace but how will we manage, theres no money in market, or gold in shop, how will we do it.

Anuradha says we have gold in house, I mean Nisha can, Kundan says no nothing from Manish and his family and Genda is new bride and younger too, so its not right. Anuradha says I have set we will give that, Kundan says that is from our wedding its a memory, Anuradha says you are everything to me, and so don’t think and lets go with my necklace, what else do we want. Varun hears them talk and goes to his room.

Grnda looks at necklaces she has, Varun walks in sees them and asks what is this, Genda says Varun I don’t believe in what Babaji said but for Papaji we can have this Jewellery, Varun says this necklace Gopal uncle gave you and this one, Genda says its from my mother, Varun says lets give this one and leaves.
Genda remember that this necklace was giving to Santosh by her father and her mother gave it to her as blessings. Genda in tears.

Kundan asks Anuradha whoes car is that, Manish says its from my Manish. Varun says Papa I will work hard with you and won’t break your trust and Mummy also doesn’t need to give her wedding necklace, we will use this one in pooja, Anuradha asks which necklace is this, Kundan asks is this by Gopal, Varun says no its not I know you wouldn’t like that and it will ruin our reputation too, no one knows about this necklace, its Genda’s her mother had given it to her. Maharaji says did you ask to Genda, Varun says why should I and what problem will she have, I am her husband and its for our family, right Genda, you don’t have a problem right. Maharaji thinks if you are hurt from inside Mahalaxmi will never accept this. Genda says I am okay with it, its for our family. Genda turns around and is in tears.

Genda walks to Pooja ghar and stands in front of Maharaji’s painting and says why are you doing this, I am trying hard to stay away from this but you keep calling me, tomorrow Mahalaxmi pooja is in your temple and there is Agrasen Jayanti too, I don’t want to go to your temple, Maharaji wakes up listening to this in his room.

Genda says what did I get by following you and your teachings nothing, I can’t say a word against whatever happens in this house, I just stand and listen, I couldn’t even tell Varun that necklace was my father’s last sign, I don’t have greed for gold or silver but he could ask me once, Maharaji outside Pooja ghar listening to Genda and thinks I know you have been insulted a lot but its not just your insult but of Mahalaxmi of this house. Genda says I won’t come to your temple tomorrow come what may, Maharaji thinks on one hand insult your house Laxmi and then in temple worship the goddess, this is wrong, Genda I will give you the respect you deserve, I can’t accept loosing a true devotee like you

Babaji sees all arrangements made for Mahalaxmi pooja and says very good but where is necklace, Kundan says its ready, Babaji says good I want the pooja to happen without hurdle and when I perform pooja there are only benefit, Maharaji walks to them, Babaji says you will come to Pooja right, Maharaji says sorry I won’t make it, my shop has inaugration today,

Babaji says you will miss benefits of it, and see how Mahalaxmi accepts these offerings and blesses them, it will be a miracle, Maharaji says I will wait for uy, Genda gets everyone tea, Babaji denies to have it. Babaji says today come to temple at 6.30 PM, Genda says Papaji its Navratri 1st day and Mahalaxmi pooja and if we all go who will light diya, and on first day it will be so bad. Maharaji thinks this is her idea. Genda says I will stay home and look after diya and aarti. Babaji says it’s fine if she stays and we will give her pooja chunari.

Maharaji in his room, Genda walks in and asks him is he alright because he didn’t have breakfast and tea, Maharaji says I am fasting because I pray for Mahalaxmi I don’t even have water today, but you can do one thing, all are gone to temple for pooja and if you come I will feel like I have family too.

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