Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 7th-Oct-2021 Written Update:

Vibhu in Saxena’s house calls him. Saxena come and while having manchow soup of crocodile and asks what are you doing here. Vibhu says did you do work. Saxena says yes I hacked Tiwari’s account and commented on Anu video from Tiwari’s account. Vibhu asks what you commented. Saxena says I commented so bad on her video I’m so sorry Anu and tells the comment to Vibhuti.

Vibhu says its amazing. Saxena says you talked about electric chair where it is if you didn’t give me I’ll tell everything to everyone atleast show me a photo. Vibhu says it will here don’t worry just imagine you are sitting on it and getting 440volt of electric shock.

Tiwari goes to Anita’s house. Anu on laptop. Tiwari thinks I know she must be happy after reading my comment and greets Anu. Anu calls Tiwari and says come sit I was waitin for you. Tiwari I knew you were waiting for me. Anu asks did you commented on my video when you were drun. Tiwari says no I was sober. Anu says really, think one more time. Tiwari says sure I was sober. Anu shouts on her says then get out from here.

Tiwari says what I did but. Anu says you wrote a bad comment on social media and says what I did wrong wait ill tell you what you said on my yesterday’s video, you look so hot in this video, what are you talking Bhabhi you tell everyone to eat fruits and vegetables and in evening you eat tandoori chicken. Tiwari says what are you saying. Anu says it came from your account ofcourse you have written this. Tiwari says I swear I did not comment. Anu says don’t swear for anyone this comment came from your account, I thought you were good person, sober one but you turn out to be cheap person. Tiwari gets up and go. Anu shouts on him says hurry up.

Angoori, TMT and Saxena in cyber cafe. Angoori picks up call from Bhoore and talk about business. Teeka calls Angoori and says we wish to have paneer pakoda can you please give us. Saxena says to Teeka its cyber cafe not a hotel and asks Angoori to bring chilli juice for him. Angoori says no need to worry I’ll get something for everyone and ask a man covered in hoodie, you come daily do you want to have something. Man says brin kheer puri for me. Angoori says okay. Tiwari come and asks TMT how’s everything going on don’t damage computer, sit on computer and greets Saxena.

Saxena greets him back. Tiwari on computer says first I should delete that comment, don’t know who is messing with me, write dear bhabhiji last comment was from some stupid person who hacked my account, but thic comment is from me, you are doing great job helping everyone to become fir. Saxena says to Tiwari I feel like empty because if not getting shock so ill get back soon and goes to Vibhuti’s house and calls him.

Vibhu come out and takes him to garden asks what wrong. Saxena says Tiwari removed my comment and added a new one. Vibhu says open laptop and do you have wifi. Saxena says don’t worry I’m the wifi, he open comment and read it. Vibhu says remove everything and now write new comment, Vibhuti tells him. Saxena says I like it Bhabhi maa will shoot Tiwari. Vibhu says that’s what I want write further. Saxena write comment and says Bhabhi maa will eat him raw. Vibhu says work is done so I’m going now.

Saxena asks what about my work I’ll tell everyone. Vibhu says don’t worry your chair will come don’t worry they are installing condenser for 440 volt. Saxena says don’t play with me I want chair. Vibhu says it will come and try to slap him. Saxena says I don’t want this I want my chair as soon as possible and leaves.

Also read: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 6th-Oct-2021 Written Update:

Happu Singh on phone in police station talking to politician says when will I get promotion. Commissioner rise up from under the table and mocks him. Happu Singh shocked. Commissioner says did you get yo know something about Amar Akhbar Anthony. Happu Singh and Manohar says I have seen that movie many times. Commissioner says I’m talking about person who accused you for taking bribe. They both says no. Commissioner says then read mail we will get some info.

Manohar gets excited and says I’ll read it, Manohar says oh my god and says its you Happu Singh. Happu Singh sees photo of taking bribe from fruit seller. Manohar says why don’t you work in news channel. Commissioner says what is this. Happu Singh says it was vegetable seller so I gave him 500rs and then he returned me remaining amount. Commissioner says you are a lier. Manohar says our sir is not like that he will throw away corruption from our station.

Happu Singh says so I should throw you out first you are more corrupt then anyone. Commissioner says shut up and bring me Amar Akhbar Anthony to me and if you failed to bring then I’ll think, you murdered him.

Anu reading comments on her blogs. Vibhu come and says my underwear fell from balcony. Anu says so what you want I should go and bring your underwear, day before yesterday my duppata fell down I didn’t go down. Vibhu says why are you getting angry. Anu says I’m reading comment don’t worry its underwear not baby.

Vibhu says when you are not ready to be mother how can we have baby. Anu says you always come with new topic to irritate, when I’ll get 1 crore rupees in my account I’ll become mother. Vibhu says it means you are asking money to become dad or for you to become mother. Anu says no I’m asking money for our childs future, now shall I do my work. Vibhu says you gets lots if good comment on your blogs what Tiwari commented on your video please shoe.

Anu says Tiwari is active in this matter he follows me, Tiwari’s comment are so good and reads his comment, says your video was good but your face turned out to be old. Anu says why is he writing like this but my friend says my face shine a lot. Vibhu says I liked this comment. Anu says how can he and give look to Vibhu. Vibhu gets inside blanket and start singing. Anu asks aren’t you sleepy tonight. Vibhu says yes and goes to sleep.

Tiwari and Angoori in cyber cafe. Tiwari asks Angoori waht are you doing. Angoori says I’m working on laptop, Vibhu is teaching me and I’m practising it. Tiwari says let me also work so that I can check my social media account. Angoori says go over there and work cant you see I’m learning. Tiwari says can you take laptop upstairs and do it because I need some privacy, have some office work to do. Angoori says okay and goes upstair. Tiwari reads Saxena’s comment from his Id and gets shocked says who wrote this, if she will see everything she will shoot me.

Vibhu and Saxena in park. Saxena says to Vibhu I remember one time I was studying in busheiand I heard voice and I see two lovers were increasing love. Vibhu says sto talking rubbish and write new comment so that Anu gets angry and start beating Tiwari. Saxena says why are you troubling Tiwari so much. Vibhu says I got call from my friend he was saying machine is ready. Saxena says I’m waiting for that machine from so many days, dying to get shock from that machine. Vibhu says you will specially sit on that machine, it will be a gift from me to you, you just have to do some work of mine and no questions. Saxena says okay no questions I promise. Happu Singh come laughing. Vibhu gets shocked.

Precap :

Anu in Tiwari’s house says you insulted me with your comments and misbehaved with me Vibhu singing for Anu in her bedroom.

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