Mere Sai Written Update 20th October 2022:

Mere Sai Written Update 20th October 2022 on

Dhaniram denies to go for introduction. Sai says move away there is snake behind the entryway. Dhaniram gets terrified and asks Sai for help. Sai strolls in and says I can’t see snake. Dhaniram expresses look there. Sai says where, Dhaniram shows its close to the cabinet.

Sai says to wind, leave he won’t hurt you. Snake leaves. Dhaniram finds jewelry behind the pantry, he shows it to Sai. Sai says OK you had kept it over the pantry and it tumbled down and you didn’t think once or searched for it prior to accusing your family and leaves.

Sai strolls to introduction, Savitri asks Sai where is Dhaniram, Sai says Kartik lets start initiation. Kartik says I figured you will bring Baba. Sai says Dhaniram isn’t a youngster, he will take his own choices.

Dhaniram truly regrets his way of behaving, Sai gives Kartik coconut and says start the introduction cycle and I realize you maintain that your folks should step in first and initiate yet time sits tight for nobody so go for it. Chandu says Sai said Dhaniram will come then how did this not occur. Kartik going to break coconut…

Dhaniram calls him and strolls in wearing kurta he gifted. Dhaniram embraces Kartik and starts crying. Dhaniram conciliatory sentiments to Kartik and says you surrendered your fantasy for myself and I got out of hand with you and your mom. Dhaniram expressions of remorse to Savitri for accusing her and acting mischievously with her.

Savitri asks what happened that you changed definitely. Dhaniram says its every one of Sai’s favors, Sai caused me to understand my family is my future and I was dumb to not comprehend this, I have taken in my example and won’t ever rehash this way of behaving.

Dhaniram shares with Sai, he believes should accomplish something that will give his psyche a few harmony and strolls to Bapu Saheb and gives cash to him and says I need to help my child. Bapu Saheb says I had helped Kartik readily and I grasp your feelings thus I won’t stop you and takes cash. Sai requests that Dhaniram introduce the shop and favor Kartik.

Dhaniram and Savitri initiate the shop, Dhaniram glad to see Kartiks hardwork and wishes him karma and says don’t stress over cash, my cash is yours. Kartik takes his folks endowments.

Bapu Saheb says Sai, Chandulkar is correct, Shirdi is heavenly and me and Neera need to settle here and need to fabricate a house and live with you. Sai says sure Bapu Saheb, you will fabricate same house like in Nashik and entire world will recall you and this wada for a very long time. Everybody cheerful.

Sai says you don’t need to give me everything, you have parcel of individuals related with you, thus you center around work and I will let you know when to fabricate the house. Bapu Saheb says as you say and I need you to reside with me in that house. Sai says I will, I commitment and will constantly remain there, and that house will be mine and will meet everybody there.

Kulkarni denies to pay factory laborers, expressing there is misfortune. Keshav says you are lying there is no misfortune. Moham conveying trash chooses to toss it on the actual way, he attempts however trash gets back in his can.

Sai strolls to him, Mohan lets him know he was worn out as was tossing here trash, Sai says God will come to your home utilizing this way and see this trash she will return back thus where will you toss it that God can’t see.

Mohan befuddled. Sai says change your reasoning, we clean house not so much for God but rather to ward soil off and remain solid thus trash is unloaded external the town. Mohan figures the reason why would it be advisable for him he care about others, let me say OK now and toss it later.

Keshav tells Kulkarni, we have cash to give compensation, Kulkarni says you are bookkeeper and not chief, we really want that cash for material, pay-offs and so on as its last I don’t have cash yet I will give you twofold compensation one month from now.

Keshav says how might they run their home without cash. Kulkarni says my choice is conclusive. Laborers choose to remain until they are payed. Kulkarni requests that his men toss heated water on them so they leave. St Nick Banta get high temp water, Keshav proceeds to remain before laborers.

Pre cap: Sai shares with women lets observe Diwali together and spread satisfaction. Kulkarni tells Sai let me perceive how you commend this Diwali with everybody, there will be no cash with others and my home will sparkle.

Also read: Mere Sai Written Update 19th October 2022:

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