Meet 2nd December 2022 Written Update:

Meet 2nd December 2022 Written Update on

Meet Ahlawat at steps. Neelam stowing away and seeing Meet Ahlawat to really take a look at his condition. Meet recalls Masum asks her what Meet Ahlawat needs to do. Meet says she needs to see Meet Ahlawat doing everything he used to do when his vision was okay.

Babita oray to god for Meet Ahlawat doing his demonstration. Raj expresses come here sit with us and eat. Meet Ahlawat recalls his preparation and begin strolling first floor. Neelam in shock says this is absurd. Ragini erroneously drops apple in his way. Meet hack noisily and he quits strolling.

Everybody anxious. Meet Ahlawat inquired as to whether something comes in his way. Meet says don’t stress I’ll flag you and you will quit strolling. Meet Ahlawat request that Sunaina give water and he strolls to Babita. Meet Ahlawat objection about Meet for write dealing with herself and says he will celebrate tomorrow alone. Meet sit close to him and hold his hand.

Meet says I’ll take care of you today. Neelam seeing there act. Everybody begin eating. Neelam brings ball think they are attempting to make me fool, I’ll check in the event that his vision is back or not. Neelam toss ball towards Meet Ahlawat and he gets it. Everybody in shock after seein that. Meet cheers everybody mind-set.

Raj ask who tossed the ball. Neelam take cover behind segment. Meet ask him how could you get the ball. Meet Ahlawat says you know how gifted and best wicket manager I’m so these were my intuition which helped me. Neelam thinks this implies Meet was correct his vision is returning.

Meet Ahlawat and Meet in room together. Meet says you realize Neelam was yelling and breaking things subsequent to going from here, she waa furious who you could improve. He aays there is a justification for why everybody calls you Meet Ustaad. Meet says how unusual circumstance we are sitting tight for, other sit tight for good time and we are trusting that Neelam will come and give you infusion.

Meet Ahlawat says I’m frightened for you what is things leave hand before we know everything on the grounds that my body part is getting shut step by step. Meet shush him says I have faith in our adoration, no body can take you from me, I’ll kill them assuming that they attempt it.

Meet strolls in Neelam room with nurture. She ask where are you taking me. Meet says did you fail to remember they come to take you mental haven. Nurture remove her.

Meet Ahlawat sitting in corridor. Babita come and wish him marriage commemoration. Meet Ahlawat return to couch. Nurture removing Neelam with them. Neelam see all the arrengements for commemoration, she says they are making arrengements for commemoration. Meet says OK and today we will get hitched in the future.

Neelam wish the commemoration and says today’s great I’m leaving. Meet thinks I figured she will lash out pitch fits and attempt to kill Meet Ahlawat, in the event that she will leave so natural, how I’ll get antibodie.
Babita get’s frightened and calls Raj for help. Meet Ahlawat not moving by any stretch of the imagination.

Neelam tuen and strolls to Meet says I’m leaving and don’t have any idea when I’ll return I simply need to apologize to Meet Ahlawat if it’s not too much trouble, consider this my last wish and allowed me to meet him. Neelam strolls toward the entryway.

Everybody encompasses Meet Ahlawat to mind him, they scouring his body. Neelam going to open entryway. Meet says pause, sh strolls to her says unconsciously you hurt everybody so that is the reason they donywant to see your face so in the event that you proceed to meet them, everybody reprimand you even Meet Ahlawat as well.

Neelam thinks I realize you won’t allow me to meet him, I’ll perceive the way two will get hitched in the future. Neelam says you are correct I’ll leave without meeting him and she go sit inside emergency vehicle. Meet thinks I realize you will return with infusion. Babita yells Meet. Meet get terrified she race to him says have strength we will win before long relax. Smash request that specialist arrive at Ahlawat manor soon.

Everybody in Meet Ahlawat’s room. Specialist give him infusion. Babita ask will my child will be fine. Specialist says I have given him infusion to control fits yet I can’t give you misleading expectation, he is in basic condition, in the event that in following couple of hours we don’t give him antitoxin then he will pass on. Babita gets frightened and request that he attempt once more.

Raj ask is there any medication which can assist with giving us additional time. Specialist give them solution and leave. Meet discussions to Meet Ahlawat and says I won’t allow anything to happen to you in excess two hours I’ll bring antitoxin for you, she tells everybody you need to help me it’s our last piece of act.

Babita says what might we do for you see his condition. Meet says I can see that is the reason I’m mentioning everybody, we need to do it for Meet Ahlawat I realize she will clearly come in capability and ww will do anything in mext 2 hours to save our Meet Ahlawat, today is our commemoration and I’m asking you this go about as my gift, I realize it will be difficult to grin in such condition yet we must areas of strength for be do it for Meet Ahlawat so he can live once more, are you all with me and she forward her hand. Everybody hold hands with Meet.

PreCap: Everybody commending marriage commemoration. Meet says I’m certain Neelam will come here masked. Meet camouflaged as specialist see somebody with covered face, she flags Hoshiyar and Slam to get her. Meet says now your time is over give me that infusion with poision. Meet eliminate duppata from her face.

Also read: Meet 1st December 2022 Written Update

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