Main Hoon Aparajita Written Updates 14th October 2022:

Main Hoon Aparajita Written Updates 14th October 2022 on

Akshay requests that Aparajita give the kalash to him, he attempts to grab it from her however she would rather not leave it. Disha, and Asha hold it with her. Chhavi looks on. She proceeds to hold it with Aparajita. Akshay frowns at them however they pull the kalash from him. Mohini says enough, I don’t believe the family should battle, I simply needed regard.

Disha requests that she stop her theatrics. She is going to hit her with a pot yet Akshay pushes her back and slaps her hard. Aparajita hurries to Disha and frowns at him. She says how challenge you to contact her? I’m her mom, you have filled her with outrage. Akshay says she was getting out of hand with Mohini.

Disha says you can’t quietness me, I know you both came here to toss us out of the house. Aparajita is staggered. Disha says Chhavi heard everything. Aparajita says that is the reason you believed me should sign the papers? Akshay says I have a right on this house, I’m their dad and talented them another house however you are difficult. This is my home and I need to reside here with my better half so get lost.

Dadi is harmed hearing all that. Aparajita says you assume you have a right on this house? I dealt with it for a considerable length of time, this is my life and you believe I should take off from this house? I won’t leave, this is my and my little girls’ home. Dadi abruptly swoons so all hurry to her. Akshay looks on.

Aparajita and the children are stressed for Dadi. She awakens and says I’m alright. Akshay looks on. Dadi scowls at Mohini and says I would rather not see her face. Mohini says call me on the off chance that you want anything, she leaves from that point. Dadi says don’t allow Akshay to pay for the specialist. Akshay says I didn’t. He says I would rather not battle, I need to live here with Mohini as it’s her right as well. Aparajita requests that the children leave, she requests that Akshay go. He says you have no right. Dadi says this house is mine and Aparajita will stay put.

Mohini is playing with her little girls and says I have a right on this house. No other doll has a spot here.

Akshay tells Dadi that I have purchased one more house for my children, they can move there. Dadi says you are so indecent. Aparajita says I won’t leave at any expense. She tells Dadi that I am solid so don’t stress over me. Dadi hacks, Akshay attempts to give her water yet she shoos him away. He leaves. Dadi lets Aparajita know that you can’t leave me. Aparajita says you are my family, I will stay put.

Aparajita comes to Akshay and says you continue to address about my right however why that lady is remaining here? Akshay says she is my better half. Aparajita says we never got separated so I’m as yet your better half. Akshay says you have no marriage testament except for she has it. Aparajita says you have 3 children with me, you need to take your name from them? You are figuring you can do anything here however I will stay quiet yet you hurt my girls again then I won’t extra you. If you have any desire to hurt me then, at that point, attempt to hurt like from the front. Try not to play defeatist games.

Mohini sits with Akshay and says Aparajita should take off from the house 48 hours. She plays with her dolls and says I will make a show out of her, I will break her self image tomorrow.

Also read: Main Hoon Aparajita Written Updates 13th October 2022

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