Ghar Ek Mandir 11th February 2022 Written Update:

Sandy in her room begins crying, Genda strolls to her, cleans her injury and says its truly challenging I know yet trust me a few additional days and all will be fine and I am with you, rest now.

Nisha goes to her room and settles on a decision and a debt of gratitude is in order for tossing stone, and says I will demolish Sandy’s life for sending Manish to imprison, god knows how he will be.Manish is attached to seat and face covered, he is taken to a room, Siddhant is secured. Siddhant opens Manish’s face cover. Manish expresses out loud whatever hogwash is this, Siddhant says this is your reality no joke, you will go through record-breaking on earth here and I was giving a few hints yet its not your shortcoming but rather Genda’s, she is justification for why I am in prison as well.

Vedant masked strolls to watches and creats smoke, Genda stowing away, Vedant signs her, Vedant attempts to open a lock and takes a taste of liquor. Genda says would you be able to remain without drinking, Vedant says would you be able to quiet down. Vedant gets inside Mahajan’s office.

Siddhant tells Manish in the event that Genda hadn’t upheld Sandy at this point she would be tossed out of house, yet you are here in jail all due to Genda, she even let Sandy remain at home against the family, she presently should be shown her status. Siddhant is educated that Inspector is coming, Siddhant says time to go yet recollect don’t release your foe. Manish is removed.

Vedant searching for camera, Mahajan watching out for him by means of CCTV. Mahajan says Nisha is extremely crafty informed me about Genda’s arrangement perfect opportunity… .( Nisha sees Genda leaving, calls Mahajan and illuminates).

Ghar Ek Mandir 10th February 2022 Written Update:

Vedant sees camera fallen on floor and takes it. Lights turned on and Mahajan strolls in, Genda stows away. Mahajan says I will call police yet not so much for you but rather Genda on the grounds that she is the principle issue here and when she will be captured for burglary you will not get anything, Vedant says I don’t free case with such ease and signs Genda with electric lamp. Vedant says you won’t ever observe Genda would it be a good idea for me I leave. Mahajan says sure on one condition.

Monitor searching for Genda, Varun calls her, Genda concealing separates call. Varun furious goes out for Faridabad. Watch doesn’t track down Genda and leaves. Mahajan says recollect a very long time back you let me go on one condition and slapped me, so its forthcoming and today I might want to bring it back.

Vedant says alright I am here, slap me. Mahajan says feels so great to see you free, and yes I hit with left hand. Mahajan slaps, Vedant evades and says I said you can slap yet who said I will take it, Mahajan says don’t act brilliant.

Vedant says I am brilliant, bye now. Mahajan says leave, before long will send police.

Vedany says here is your camera Mahajan, Genda stunned seeing Vedant give camera. Vedant leaves.

Vedant asks Genda for what valid reason did he give Mahajan camera back, what will Sandy do now, she had such countless expectations with you, for what reason did you give the proof, for what reason did you do it and begin crying.

Vedant shows recording on his telephone to Genda. Genda asks how. Vedant gives counterfeit camera back to Mahajan. Vedant says it wasnt simple however we have the greatest proof and its OK. Genda grins, Vedant says wipe your tears gives up at this point.

Vedant drops Genda, Genda says you are correct, and I need to show it to family first under the watchful eye of court and I have confidence they will uphold me, Vedant says sure fare thee well.

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