Chikoo Ki Mummy Dur Ki 1st-Oct-2021 Written Episode Update:

Chikoo Ki Mummy Dur Ki 1st October 2021 Episode starts with Chiku saying Nupur hugged her and she had to hug her too, its wrong to fool someone. Rangoli says I told you how rich people become rich, I told you the plan already. Chiku says yes, we will dance tomorrow in her anniversary. Rangoli says dance is just to keep them busy, you will get the kids outside with you, throw this smoke ball on the stage when the performance ends, you have one min to do this, I will be there with the van, I will take you all with me.

Chiku asks just our kids, there are other kids also. Rangoli says I m your mummy, I can’t take all of the kids, don’t become Jagat mummy. Chiku says I will do as you say. Rangoli says find the door key first and then get the kids out of here, only that’s the way, go now. Chiku smiles and goes. Rangoli smiles and says poor Chiku, she is scared to stay away from me, its good, fear should be there, real love stays with the fear, I don’t want Nupur to snatch my kids, I will burn this ghost house, I don’t care if Nupur and other kids get burnt in the fire. Chiku teaches the steps to the kids. She says let me think, how will you come to make a surprise entry. She asks Reema about the back door.

Reema asks how do you know. Chiku says helper told me, we have to give surprise to Nupur, we will disappear and then come from the first door, we will say happy anniversary. Reema says no need, do it on the stage. Chiku says please open the door, our plan of surprise will fail. The kids say yes, she is right. Chiku says please open it. Reema says I don’t know the key, you find some other idea, let me do the work. She goes. Chiku thinks of Rangoli’s words. She goes to Rangoli.

Rangoli asks what, you didn’t get the key, how will I get the kids out, do anything, get the key. Chiku says Reema said there are many keys in the box, its antique lock. Rangoli says its old, antique, no use, you didn’t get the key, key will be old like the lock. She gives her hair band. She says gift this to Nupur on her wedding anniversary. Chiku says you are so good. Rangoli says I know, ask Nupur the lock key as return gift, that key is the key of kids’ freedom. She tells some plan. Milind cancels the meetings.

Aai asks what happened, you never cancel meetings. Milind says I have to go somewhere. Kamini says I heard Nupur saying she will take Milind to the orphanage for anniversary celebrations. He says not everything is equated with money, we have to see emotions. Aai asks why did you agree to give her another chance, its foolishness. Milind says Nupur wants… She asks did she listen to you, she didn’t get ready for another child, she would have given a second chance to her marriage.

Chikoo Ki Mummy Dur Ki 30th September 2021 Written Episode Update:

She warns him and asks him not to there, give divorce to Nupur. She goes. Kamini asks her not to get angry and make her BP high. Rangoli says Chiku didn’t come till now, get the key, else the plan will flop. Chiku gives the hair band to Nupur and says sorry, I had something else to give you. Nupur thanks her and asks what was the need for this when you are giving a dance performance. Chiku says you are my mummy in dance, I want to give my best today for your sake, wish me all the best. Nupur hugs her and says thanks. Chiku says you take gifts from all of them. The kids give gifts to Nupur. Chiku goes to get the keys. Chiku recalls Rangoli’s words, give the hair band and make her emotional, then get the key, just listen to me and do as I say, only then we can go out of this ghost house.

Chiku checks the keys. Nupur says thanks Chiku, I never got such good gifts. They leave. Chiku gets the key. She goes to show it to Rangoli. Rangoli smiles. She says I will be outside to take you all, see that red balloons, once you open the door, make the balloons fly, I will get an idea that its time to take you all outside, I will bring the van and take you all, go now and prepare for the performance, I have to make much preparations, I will wait for you. Chiku goes. Rangoli says when you open the door, Chiku, I will burn this place and turn it to ashes, even if Nupur gets saved, then she can’t have courage to steal the kids and get them here. Milind recalls Nupur’s words. He gets up to leave.

Aai says I told you, I won’t leave your happiness to you, I won’t let you go. Nupur waits for Milind. She sees the kids waiting. Reema says kids are ready, they are waiting since one hour to start the performance. Nupur says this anniversary is of Milind and me, we have to wait for him. Reema asks if he doesn’t come. Nupur says then nothing will happen, I m sorry, how can I celebrate anniversary alone if Milind doesn’t come, I will say sorry to the kids. Chiku thinks how will we go if the performance doesn’t happen. She recalls Rangoli’s words…. take the kids to the door when the lights go off for some time.

Chikoo Ki Mummy Dur Ki 2nd October 2021 Written Episode Update Precap

Rangoli ignites the fire. The building catches fire. She asks Chiku to get the kids out. She sees her inner self. Chiku prays to get her mummy. Nupur and Milind come to save the kids.

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