BhagyaLakshmi 14th November 2022 Written Update:

BhagyaLakshmi 14th November 2022 Written Update on

Episode begins with Rishi shutting the entryway and asking Lakshmi for what good reason did she take off out of nowhere like that? Lakshmi says she will talk later and says she has a ton of work to do and says she needs to place the garments in the pantry. Rishi sees that Lakshmi is accomplishing the work gradually so she doesn’t need to respond to him.

Rishi puts all the garments inside yet Lakshmi takes all the garments outside and says he didn’t place the garments in the correct manner. Rishi tells Lakshmi he realizes she would rather not respond to him and says she doesn’t have to say anything in the event that she would rather not and goes from that point. Lakshmi figures how might she say that she is just his yet she can’t express it as she feels bashful.

Karishma comes to Neelam. Karishma inquires as to whether she is pondering about Karishma’s thought process? Neelam says she is pondering Rishi and Lakshmi. Karishma says she is likewise contemplating exactly the same thing. Karishma tells Neelam that they need to consider how to send Lakshmi out of the house.

She says we can’t get Rishi beyond Lakshmi’s control until she is in the house. Neelam tells Karishma that Malishka needs to get it done and says Malishka needs to make Rishi hers. For that Malishka should be clever like Lakshmi. Karishma concurs with Neelam and discusses it.

Lakshmi asks Rishi when did he come? Rishi says he came when she was occupied with her work and asks Lakshmi to tell him for what reason did she take off? Lakshmi incidentally steps on Rishi’s foot. Rishi unintentionally hits Lakshmi’s head.

Lakshmi attempts to hit Rishi’s head once more. Yet, Rishi says he will possibly hit her head when she explains to him for what reason did she take off while they are talking? Lakshmi tells Rishi that she isn’t anything without him and says he is an ideal justification for her reality.

Lakshmi says she won’t ever permit anybody to take him from her and says on the off chance that Malishka attempts to take Rishi from her, she will make Malishka vanish. Sonia hears them talking. Malishka calls Sonia. Sonia says she was going to call her and expresses out loud whatever she heard Lakshmi saying that she will cause Malishka to vanish assuming she attempts to remove Rishi from Lakshmi. Sonia inquires as to whether she can trust this.

Rishi asks Lakshmi she isn’t expressing out loud whatever does he need to hear? Lakshmi asks what is it. Rishi says to leave it and they impact their head once more.

Karishma goes to meet Kiran. Karishma converses with Kiran about Malishka and Rishi. Karishma says Lakshmi is controlling Rishi. Kiran concurs. Karishma requests that Kiran urge Malishka to satisfy Rishi so he will pay attention to her. Karishma says she simply needs to see Rishi blissful. Kiran concurs.

Kiran sees Malishka as miserable and asks what was the deal? Malishka says she has just a single issue Lakshmi. Kiran urges Malishka to battle for Rishi and shows Lakshmi what Malishka is prepared to do. Malishka concurs with Kiran.

Lakshmi brings Ayush food. Ayush shares with Lakshmi that there is compelling reason need to feel worried and says he will eat later. Lakshmi requests that he eat. Ayush concurs. Rishi comes and chastens Ayush for the errors he made in the show. Ayush apologizes to Rishi and says he committed an error as it was his most memorable time getting it done.

Lakshmi agrees with Ayush’s stance and says Ayush will advance soon. Rishi asks Lakshmi not to agree with Ayush’s stance. Everybody comes hearing Rishi’s voice. Neelam attempts to guard Ayush. Rishi tells Ayush that he committed an error giving this obligation to him and says in the event that Malishka is here there could not have possibly been any issue and leaves from that point.

Lakshmi pursues Rishi. Lakshmi asks Rishi how might he converse with Ayush like that and says he will learn assuming that he committed an error. Rishi asks Lakshmi not to agree with Ayush’s stance this time and says with Ayush’s mix-up they would have had almost crores of misfortune in the business. Rishi leaves from that point.

Also read: BhagyaLakshmi 5th November 2022 Written Update

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