Balika Vadhu 2 5th-Oct-2021 Written Update:

The episode starts with Anandi crying inside the locked storeroom. Devali goes to meet her and even ties up her hands making her more helpless. Sejal gets worried about Anandi. Ratan calls Sejal and asks Anandi’s whereabouts, she says that Anandi’s mug gifted by Premji in which she used to keep pen and stationaries got broken so she is feeling uneasy. Sejal lies and says Anandi is fine and is playing outside with Kanku. Ratan says she feels relieved now after having talked to her. She requests Sejal not to tell Anandi about broken mug.

Anandi feels afraid in the dark storeroom. She sees rats running around. During dinner time everyone feels upset. Jigar and Kanku stealthily take Jalebi and Dhoklas for Anandi. Jigar peeps through window of storeroom. He finds her hands tied. Jigar tells Kanku that Anandi’s hands are tied. Kanku asks him if he can jump ij through the window and give her food. Maadi Baa is shown coming in the same direction. Jigar struggles to go inside. Maadi Baa comes and there and questions what they are doing.

Also read: Balika Vadhu 2 4th-Oct-2021 Written Update:

Maadi Baa sees the food packet in Kanku’s hand. Devali says Anandi has made daughter against mother. Sejal asks Jigar to climb down. Maadi Baa asks them why they are going against her decision. Jigar tells that what she is doing is wrong. He tells that her punishment is too harsh and its injustice to Anandi. Maadi Baa asks if he is questioning her decision. He says he is doing so because she is wrong. Sejal tells him not to speak to elders like this. Jigar tells that even in school no more teachers are allowed to beat up the students.

Jigar explains that even parents can no longer lock kids in bathroom. He says its wrong to keep Anandi without food and water and due to darkness she will be so afraid and might not be able to sleep. Devali asks him why is he defending Anandi when he doesn’t like her. He says even if he doesn’t like her much still what’s wrong is wrong for everyone. Kanku also tells Maadi Baa that is she doing unjust. Devali asks her to say sorry to Baa but she leaves without saying anything.

Maadi Baa feels upset and talks to her Lord Krishna’s idol. Anandi is shown feeling thirsty and asking for water. Maadi Baa opens the door with a plate. Anandi pleads and tells she didn’t do anything again. Maadi Baa asks her to shift so that she can open her hands. Anandi gets surprised. Baa gives her food plate. Anandi asks if she can drink water first. Baa makes her drink water from her own hands. Anandi questions her why she didn’t bring food earlier. Maadi Baa explains her that elders punish kids for their well being. The episode ends with Anandi asking Maadi Baa if she likes her.

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