Today’s episode starts with Anupama smiling seeing Leela at the venue. Devika welcome Leela and Kavya. Bhavesh enters the venue too. Vanrj asks Bhavesh if mother is not here. Bhavesh tell Anupama’s mother is not well. Hasmuk asks Leela why he is here. Leela says Vanraj asked to accompany thus, she is here. Hasmuk says if Vanraj will do any drama than he will not bear. In the meantime, Pandit asks Anupama and Anuj to give their hand print on the paper before starting the work. Anupama and Anuj give their hand print. Paper fly and Vanraj tried to save it. The hand print get printed on Vanraj’s shirt. Kavya think Vanraj doesn’t do any drama. Pandit asks everyone to stand up for the puja.
Anuj and Anupama distributes sweets to all. Bhavesh compliment Anuj and wish good luck to Anupama. Kavya says to Vanraj Bhavesh never talked politely with him but happily talking with Anuj. She adds Anuj is rich. Kavya asks Vanraj to be polite for time being. Anupama says to Vanraj that she know he is not here to attend the Puja but to talk something. She adds even if he is going to talk than he should do it in a manner. Vanraj stand stunned. Media enters Anuj’s place to take Anuj and Anupamas interview. Hasmuk asks Leela to stop Vanraj from ruining the day. Leela says to Hasmuk the way he don’t stop Anupama from doing anything, same way she will not Vanraj too.
Kavya asks Vanraj to be in Anuj’s good book. Vanraj says he will answer Anuj today for sending him letter. Anuj asks Anupama to attend the interview. Pakhi talks with Anuj and asks latter if he still love Anupama. She adds since she love Vanraj, Anupama and her family, and can’t see them getting broken further. Anuj asks Pakhi to never doubt on Anupama. He assure Pakhi that Anupama is justher friend and will never interrupt her family. Anuj befriend Pakhi. Vanraj calls out for Pakhi.
Anupama 4th-Oct-2021 Written Update:
Later, Vanraj confront Anuj and insults him for his offer to fund his business. Anuj says to Vanraj that someone from his team might have send him the offer letter. Vanraj taunt Anupama. Anuj and Anupama gets furious on Vanraj. Vanraj and Anuj argue with each other.
Vanraj tear the offer letter and says he is unaffected if Anuj wants to keep relationship with Anupama or wants to flaunt it. Anuj screams Vanraj’s name. Anupama and Shahs stands stunned.