Anupama 31st October 2022 Written Update:

Anupama 31st October 2022 Written Update on

Vanraj requests that Pakhi go as her new excursion is beginning. He adds she is certainly not a decent little girl however he anticipates that she should be a decent spouse. Vanraj says that he used to think Adhik is definitely not an ideal counterpart for him yet presently he feel just last option is made for her. He requests that Pakhi go.

Anupama asks Vanraj he isn’t doing well. Leela shares with Vanraj that they offer girl and not toss them out. Vanraj says Pakhi has given him no decision. He requests that Pakhi take off from the house. Kavya asks Vanraj not to take any abrupt choice. Pakhi review her past at Shah house. She goes out.

Anupama, Vanraj and Shahs stand paralyzed. Pakhi and Adhik pack their stuffs. Anuj requests that Pakhi and Adhik leave the stuffs and get up. Pakhi cries and says Vanraj tossed her out from the house. Adhik says he expected that Shahs will acknowledge them post their marriage.

Anuj asks Adhik and Pakhi for what reason they anticipate that guardians should constantly figure out them. He asks Pakhi subsequent to offending Anupama such a lot of how she can anticipate that Anupama should uphold her wrong doing. Adhik shares with Anuj that Barkha also will toss them out from the house He argues Anuj to help them. Anuj requests that Pakhi and Adhik quiet. Pakhi cries uproariously.

Kavya inquires as to whether he is fine. Hasmuk talk with Vanraj and causes him to comprehend that Pakhi is hitched now he needs to acknowledge the reality. Vanraj lament showering additional adoration to Pakhi. He communicates about doing fantastic wedding of Pakhi. Vanraj lashes out figuring Pakhi didn’t finish her school and wound up wedding Adhik. Hasmuk requests that Vanraj acknowledge Pakhi’s choice.

Kavya console Anupama. Hasmuk chats with Anupama and Vanraj. He says in some cases youngsters in all actuality do botch yet they can be welcome back in good shape. Hasmuk says and once in a while it is unimaginable. He shares with Vanraj that they need to acknowledge Pakhi and Adhik’s marriage. Anuj chasten Adhik and Pakhi for their choice. He stresses for Barkha’s response.

Hasmuk requests that Vanraj reevaluate on his choice. He requests that Vanraj offer Pakhi and don’t break his binds with her. Kavya, Leela and Samar side Hasmuk. Kavya requests that Vanraj and Anupama acknowledge Pakhi’s coalition with Adhik. Samar attempts to cause Vanraj to comprehend that they can’t leave Pakhi and Adhik essentially. Anuj side Samar. He demand Shahs to not abandon Pakhi and Adhik. Anuj says they need to deal with Pakhi and Adhik. Pakhi inquires as to whether they fouled up by wedding one another. Adhik asks Pakhi not to lament their choice. Vanraj won’t adjust his perspective.

Precap: Anupama and Anuj choose to return home. Pakhi asks Anupama where they will go. Anupama tells Pakhi that she would have thought this prior to wedding Adhik.

Also read: Anupama Written Update 29th October 2022

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