Sherdil Shergill 14th November 2022 Written Update:

Sherdil Shergill 14th November 2022 Written Update on

Episode begins with Manmeet seeing her family photograph and reviews how she was so glad to get Anmol in a similar picture with her loved ones. She affectionately touches the image. Raj comes there and phony hacks. Manmeet stands up and he says its better. He reprimands and questions her for making cafeteria into her office.

She says that he is acting like gatekeeper of the structure who continues seeing individuals attempting to leave vehicle however comes and expresses not to leave whenever its finished. She explains to Raj why he didn’t say when she was setting up and presently there is no hope. He says they are not finished at this point.

Hussain blows up and says he will converse with Mr Yadav about Raj’e misconduct. Manmeet murmurs he is truly harmed and anything he is doing is substantially less than whatever she.

Manmeet sees Misharji and attempts to change point. Hussain says they ought to meet around evening time and discuss everything. She says its ideal as Anmol and her folks went to Shirdi. Hussain says to meet at 8:30 pm and ge will send her the area.

Misharji tells pretty much this to Raj and says Hussain and Manmeet are going for supper and will be likely discussing him. Manmeet prepares to go for the supper and reviews her recollections with Anmol and how she had imagined her folks to acknowledge Anmol lastly it turned out to be valid.

She gets stunned to see Raj Kumar at her home. He says she is looking lovely and why she doesn’t go to office like this. She questions him why he is there as she as of now has said she will not leave.

Raj Kumar tells her came to return back the 5 lakhs she had loaned him. He says he took it from organization’s asset and she probably got the notice about it. He inquires as to whether she is going on date. Raj tells Manmeet he is ravenous and asks her for noodles. Later he calls server who brings noodles.

Manmeet lashes out and requests that he leave. Raj hauls Manmeet closer and says from here on out he won’t call her Manmeet yet rather Jaan, as it suits her, he again says Raj Ki Jaan. Raj tells if she has any desire to get liberated from this she ought to leave.

Manmeet thinks she even began cherishing him and had confided in him yet presently she needs to perceive how low he can stoop. Raj calls all the workplace staffs for outing to his home and says he needs to get it revamped. Manmeet comes to her and tracks down Raj there. He continues to prod her.

Manmeet advises him to quit behaving like playboy as he can’t pull off the picture. He hauls her nearer and advises her to show him then. Manmeet requests that Raj close his shirt as she isn’t adjusted to see him like this. He determines imagine a scenario in which he seizes her and keeps in same room. Raj requesting that Manmeet express out loud whatever he needs to hear and admit her adoration for him.

Also read: Sherdil Shergill 4th November 2022 Written Update

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