Rishton Ka Manjha 13th January 2022 Written Update:

Madhuri says Arjun’s telephone is off. Kush says let glance around. Madhuri says it’s all incident in light of this Diya. Depika says overlook her maa. She couldn’t care less. Mira comes. Diya says mama..

Mira says so much occurred and you didn’t tell me? You need separate? Diya says how would you know maa? Madhuri says I told her. She should know her girl’s childhood. Guardians are liable for baldy brought up kids. Mira says pardon us.

She’s not our little girl now. You can do anything you desire. She can purchase another house for herself with things that she took. Our entryways are shut for you. Diya goes to kitchen and cries. Diya cries and says I am sorry maa however I can’t come clean with you. My father’s life is most significant at the present time.

Mira says I never envisioned Diya would do this to Arjun. Madhuri says I am heartbroken, I would have rather not harmed you. You should know reality. I’m upset for the manner in which I talked. Try not to fault yourself. She requests that driver drop her back home.

Mira calls Mohan yet his telephone is off. Diya comes.. Mira expresses why are you here? I let you know our entryways are shut fo ryou. Diya says I got nourishment for you. I realize you like nothing when you are furious.

Your girl has harmed you. I got nourishment for you. She says don’t call me your mother. Diya says kindly don’t say that. Mira says express gratitude toward God your father isn’t here to see this. His telephone is off as well. Diya says he’s fine. Nothing will happen to him. Mira expresses how treat mean? DIya says don’t stress to such an extent.

Niharika approaches Mira’s telephone. Diya picks it. Niharika says you went to meet your mother? Try not to set out to tell her anything. It can chance your father’s life. Diya says I return home. Niharika says meet me outside. Diya says I really want to go.

Rishton Ka Manjha 11th January 2022 Written Update:

Love says to Bannu this is such terrible food. Will I eat this? Where could Depika be? She says bhabhi.. Madhuri expresses what was the deal? Depika is resting. You probably won’t know. She lives in your room and you can’t deal with her.

You don’t deal with her. He says I’ve a great deal of work to do. Madhuri says ladies make the house. Your father used to say something very similar. I harms me to see all of you doing likewise. Love says Arjun offered Diya love and what occurred as a trade off?

Karan tells Dr. Sen for what reason was Diya’s report negative? He says you said I simply need to sign it. She lost it at any rate. Karan says your heart is the issue. Somebody took Arjun’s reports and he would attempt to come to you. Do as I say. Karan calls Tina. She says Dr. Sen will be with my men. Arjun will fail to remember this case after his separation.

Madhuri does pooja. She cries contemplating Arjun. Madhuri says I needed Arjun’s tranquility and satisfaction and Diya did this? I can’t really accept that she did this. She falls. Diya holds her. Madhuri says disappear from me. I needn’t bother with your backing. Diya says then you can get your bones broken. Madhuri says do you have any habits? Diya says I saved and you tried to avoid that all things considered. Madhuri says go from here and allow me to do my pooja.

Depika tells Tina Arjun didn’t get back home. Tina says where would he be able to go? Depika says I can comprehend. Depika says it harms him here. He gets frantic when he sees Diya. Tian says I trust aunt is fine. Depika says she’s difficult.

She’s doing pooja, meet her. Tina says I will hang tight for her. Diya sees her telephone and says I want to get her telephone to get baba’s area. Diya says would you say you are glad? I requested the separation. Release baba now. Tina says you went to meet your mother? Diya says she was concerned. I didn’t tell her anything.

Tina says you’re not separated at this point. Diya says please. Tina says do what I say. Diya spills juice on her. Tina expresses how did you respond.. Diya says let me clean it. Tina says I will do it without anyone’s help. She goes to clean. Diya attempts to figure her secret phrase. Diya composes Arjun’s number and it opens. Tina expresses what’s happening with you.

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