Punyashlok Ahilya Bai 24th June 2022 Written Update:

Punyashlok Ahilya Bai 24th June 2022 Written Update on serialtalk.com

Episode begins with Shantaram saying ‘sorry’ to Ahilya. She slaps him. He tumbles down. The gatekeepers capture him. They come to the castle. The women see him and recognize as Krishna’s better half.

Ahilya requests that gatekeepers get him to the darbar. Krishna hears the women insults. Ahilya looks on. The bookkeeper requests that Gunu ji see the records. Gunu ji says not, I will see later. The man says you look stressed over Shantaram. Gunu ji says OK, the men shouldn’t get feeble,

Ahilya is bringing upheavals, I can’t endure this, Shantaram ought to get delivered. The man asks how, everybody is saying that Ahilya has discovered him in the act today. Gunu ji says OK, she has seen him today, give my message to Shantaram, what he needs to say and how, caution him. Ahilya converses with the women.

She makes sense of them how a tree gets injured that a wooden hatchet is utilized to cut it, when our own thing harms us, then it harms a ton, you are doing likewise with Krishna. She says all of you have not endured the torments like Krishna,

what might you feel assuming that you were in her place, we ought to turn into her safeguard, however here we are harming her more, is this right, tell me. The women apologize to Krishna. The woman goes to make haldi lep for Krishna’s alleviation. Ahilya thinks we need to win the fight.

Khanderao comes in the darbar and requests that they start the case. Gunu ji says I will address Shantaram’s case. Khanderao asks who will talk from Krishna’s side. Ahilya says I will do. She comes in the darbar.

He says no, you will get worn out in the event that you represent quite a while, I can’t face challenge about your wellbeing. She grins. She says a spouse’s affection and backing is a wife’s right, its her huge resource, a wife ought to see regard in her significant other’s eyes.

She safeguards Krishna’s case. She says Khanderao is a gift for me, however Shantaram is a revile for Krishna, Krishna is with me since few months, I can say that she is a loyal spouse, we know the definition about a decent wife, yet what might be said about a decent husband, there is no standard made for husband, love is an inclination, it can’t be constrained,

I need to have you understand the effect of good and bad, Krishna denied the faults on Shantaram, nobody found it off-base, nobody saw her aggravation and distress. She feels discombobulated. Khanderao gets up and stresses for her. Ahilya says I m OK, I might want to sit and the continue.

The pastor says don’t humiliate us, we ought to have told this to you. Khanderao makes Ahilya sit. Ahilya says we will begin the case continuing all along. The man inquires as to for what reason did she lie previously. Ahilya says a lady is instructed that nothing is devil than her family regard, so ladies endure everything,

Krishna will come clean with us today and get courageous. She requests that Krishna say it. Krishna says I misled all of you, my little girl came clean. She tells everything. Shantaram stresses. She cries.

Precap :Shantaram reprimands Krishna before everybody. He winds her hand. Khanderao goes to kill him. Ahilya looks on stunned.

Also read: Punyashlok Ahilya Bai 23rd June 2022 Written Update

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