Mere Sai 18th-Oct-2021 Written Update:

Sakku is running at night. She gets startled as she hears the sound of stray animals barking at night but she continues running. Sai asks her who she is trying to avoid. No one is behind you. She turns around and looks at Sai. Sai tells Sakku to calm down. She recognizes Him.

My Baba believes in you. Sai says his love brought me here. You were going to commit suicide as you couldn’t control your fear? Sakku says you don’t know. Sai says your fear has given birth to all your problems. Fear is inside us. It is surely difficult to get over our fear but it isn’t impossible. It is way easier than killing ourselves. Giving up on your life is not a solution to any problem.

No problem asks for such outcome. Think about your Baba and brother. Will your Baba and brother live peacefully once you commit suicide? Do you want to give them this pain? Sakku denies. Everyone is in trouble because of me though. I don’t think I will be able to get this fear out of my mind ever. Sai suggests her to give it a try. Let me drop you home. She looks worried but Sai assures her that nothing will happen. Your family members are still sleeping. They are not aware of whatever happened here today.

Sai drops Sakku outside her home. She walks hesitantly. Sai asks her if she is still afraid of dark. She denies. Sun is about to rise. Sai calls it a natural thing. It lights up after dark. Just wait. Your life is going to light up too. Go now. Sakku heads inside. Om Sai plays.

Sakku’s father is doing puja. He is going inside when he finds Sakku’s anklet there. How is it here? She might not have woken up by now? How did it come here? Did she go outside last night? Where and why? He thinks of her husband’s complain. Did she have an attack last night again? It is very wrong if it is true. She might hurt herself in the process. There is only one solution now – Sai!

Baizama watches Sai as He sprinkles water on a pot covered with clothes. She offers to bring seeds if they cannot be found. Sai says if the intention is pure and he is patient then even the toughest seeds can pop. Hari Bhai greets them just then. Sai welcomes him. Hari Bhau tells him that he is very worried.

Mere Sai 13th-Oct-2021 Written Update:

I hope you can help me. Ssai asks him if he is worried for Sakku. Hari Bhau nods. She has a pure heart and she got that from my first wife. She never thinks ill of anyone and she is very talented. Don’t know how she is in this problem. Please save her Sai as you are our last resort. Sai says no to him. Baizama asks Him why He cannot help Hari Bhau. I am sure you can cure Sakku. Sai says you don’t give the medicine of cough to someone who has fever. He tells Hari Bhau that He will be there whenever Sakku needs me.

No problem can go away till the time we find the root cause. Hari Bhau asks Him what could be the cause here. Sai says it can be anything. Maybe your silence is holding the answer to her problem. Hari Bhau gets confused. Sai says very often we don’t commit crimes but we remain silent when a crime is happening. It is no less than a crime. Think about it. Has something similar happened to you too? Sai excuses Himself as it is time to collect alms. Hari Bhau gets thinking.

Sarkar breaks a coconut to inaugurate the factory. He asks Prasad why he made him do it when this factory belongs to him. Prasad says it cannot run without you. It is great that you are inaugurating it. Santa gives him a list. Sarkar gives it to Prasad. This list contains all the families which have kids between 10-12 years. Prasad praises him on his work. Sarkar asks him what’s next. Prasad shows him an invitation box. It has a silver coin. This will create a big impact on everyone. Sarkar smirks. No one can escape greed. He thinks of Sai. I will see how you will save your devotees from being greedy now!

Sai comes to Sakku’s house for alms. Sakku heads outside excitedly when her stepmother stops her. She taunts Sakku. You eat here for free and now you want to feed beggars too? Don’t you know that those who are dependent don’t donate! Sakku starts trembling with fear. Sai tells Sakku He is waiting. Sakku looks at the plate in her hands and at her stepmother. She signals Sakku to go inside.

Sakku goes inside. Sai tells her to take as much time as she wants. I will wait for the time when you will cover this distance. I will come here every day and ask for alms till then. Sai leaves. The lady thinks that Sai is taking too much interest in Sakku. I am the owner of this house but He never spoke to me like this. People believe in Him but I wont let Him come near Sakku. I wont let Him cast His magic on Sakku at any cost! Sai turns. Nothing happens whether we want it or not. Things happen as per Ram ji’s wish. Only Ram ji know whether Sakku’s future holds happiness or fear! He leaves.

Precap :Prasad stops kids when they are fighting in mud. Mhalsapati ji compliments him on what he did. Your clothes got spoiled though. Prasad says it does not matter when it comes to kids. Sai blesses Prasad. May Ram ji help you overcome any ill thought that might try to come in your mind.

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