Ghar Ek Mandir 15th February 2022 Written Update:

Ghar Ek Mandir 15th February 2022 Written Update: Anuradha tells Varun, whats amiss with Genda, first she charged Manish currently discusses some camera, Genda says I am not lying, the video had all confirmations and mummy copied it, inquire as to whether you need, Anuradha says OK Sandy, we will ask Sandy now, Genda says kindly trust me Varun,

Anuradha says we as a whole are sanctuaries then, at that point, Genda says OK you all arez Anuradha says when court has bailed Manish for what reason are you behind Sandy how has she treated you, I think Genda has gone distraught. Manish exceptionally cheerful. Varun strolls out.Anuradha tells Genda, Varun will believe me he is my child, so stop this immediately and leaves.

Genda strolls in her space to Varun, and says you didn’t believe me, Varun asks you are supporting Sandy she isn’t confide in commendable, and what confirmation, everybody is denying for what reason are you doing this are you fine, Genda says you think I am distraught, Varun says however your hardheadedness needs me to trust mummy. Varun says you are drained, go converse with somebody, since I am concerned for you. Genda leaves.

Kundan tells Anuradha this is off-base, Anuradha says its for our child, we need to save him, so do as I say. Kundan gets call from Mahajan, Mahajan says congrats your child is home however Vedant won’t stay silent, so presently to save Manish we need to demonstrate Genda is insane and afterward court will not stand by listening to her and we win and Manish will be protected, Kundan says yet Genda should be fine,

Mahajan says don’t stress she will be fine demonstrate her frantic, and Manish will be free and Genda we will treat her normal.Kundan remembers to save my futile child I cannot do this to Genda, this isn’t fair.Mahajan says once court demonstrates Genda distraught who tends to think about what befalls her, and she can never endure on the grounds that I am playing this against Genda.

Ghar Ek Mandir 14th February 2022 Written Update:

Vedant strolls to Genda in shop and infroms her that 5 days after the fact there will be lie finder test for Genda, in light of the fact that you are possibly witness and assuming he disproves you, case doesn’t go court and we lose and be cautious, since this is truth versus untruth and Sandy’s equity, Genda says I am prepared for test, Manish needs to vare results.

Nisha strolls to Manish and figures how might I let him be rebuffed, I won’t allow him to acknowledge I know reality, he is my better half I should uphold him and says don’t stress Manish you will not be rebuffed and I cookex your fav food

Sandy sees Manish stroll with Nisha and gets frightened, she secures herself her room. Genda sees Manish having food with entire family, all disregard Genda and leave. Sandy strolls to Genda, Genda asks did you have food, Sandy says no did you, Genda says come lets have. Nisha adds drugs in food with assistance of Manish.

Genda serves nourishment for herself and Sandy, Sandy says I don’t eat dal, Genda says no concerns I will have it you eat sabji. Nisha keeping an eye and says I realize Sandy doesn’t eat this dal thus added wretchedness pills in it, so Genda consumes it and will influence lie finder test and furthermore she will go exceptionally fretful and free command over herself and let me perceive how you put Manish in jail

Vedant calls Sandy, Vedant asks is she fine, Sandy says OK, Vedant says I realize you are in pressure however don’t lose quiet and Genda is with you, she is supporting you against her family so support her, Sandy says I know both of you are buckling down for myself thus I will not lose trust and backing both of you since I know both of you will give me equity, Vedant says awesome, great night fare thee well.

Anuradha sees Kundan stressed and asks what’s up, we were together after so lengthy didn’t you like it, Kundan says was Genda there, and what benefit is it, never figured this day would show up, Anuradha says all will be great and Genda is behind every one of the issues, Kundan says she is spot on, my girl isn’t to blame, Anuradha says for your little girl should my child go to prison and leaves.
Nisha takes a gander at Kundan and thinks he simply thinks often about Genda however I won’t allow anything to happen to Manish.

Nisha sees Anuradha irate and says for what reason are you furious with vessels, show Genda her actual spot, I realize Kundan simply upholds Genda, we really want his help to win for Manish, Anuradha asks how might we do this, Nisha says permit me and makes a glass of milk and says here persuade Papaji, Anuradha leaves.

Genda sees Varun in a room and strolls to her, Varun leaving, Genda says stay for what reason are you leaving, Varun says this case previously brought contrasts between us, what you need, for what reason are you so difficult, Genda says you think I am lying, Varun says I am certain you are, I thought a great deal and just you are lying, thus I can’t remain in a room with a liar like you.

Precap :Nisha tells Manish the tablets are working, she is going restless.Genda slaps Varun. Everybody calls Genda frantic, she faints.Manish chooses to kill Genda.

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