Barrister Babu 8-Oct-2021 Episode Written Update:

Episode Start with She says I have come here, for what reason did you do this dramatization. He says you have given me this scar, its no enjoyable to get love so without any problem. She asks at what cost will you come out and save Anirudh, I can’t endure your face. He says you disdain me and love Anirudh so much, you came in Raavan lanka for his adoration, assuming you need me to save his life, then, at that point, you need to accompany me to Dhaka immediately, assuming you accompany me, I will show my face in the police headquarters, I will tell that I was alive, I recently swooned, I didn’t kick the bucket, judge won’t give Anirudh a capital punishment, assuming you don’t come to Dhaka with me, I will flee, judge will hang Anirudh on Vijay Dashami, you choose, in the event that you will accompany me and stay Anirudh’s suhaagan, or stay inflexible and turn into his widow. She says stop, I acknowledge. He asks what did you say. She says I acknowledge to go to Dhaka with you, how might I accept that you will save Anirudh. He says you have no other alternative, I m doing this, since I needed you, I need Anirudh to remain alive, I have longed for you, I need Anirudh to long, do you have anything to ask now, come. She goes with him.

Chandrachur’s men come there. The man says you can’t go out, police is everything, they are discovering you. Chandrachur says you acted shrewd once more. Bondita says I didn’t educate them. The man says she is correct, somebody documented a missing report of her, police has come discovering her. Bondita requests that Chandrachur go to the police headquarters and save Anirudh. Chandrachur says you will go to Dhaka first. She says fine, we can go in that club apportion van, assuming Anirudh gets hanged, fail to remember that I will go to Dhaka with you. The man says she is correct, we can stow away in the proportion van, police will not really take a look at it. Chandrachur says fine, I will just come, watch out for her. He proceeds to pay the driver. He requests that Bondita go to Dhaka with her men, he will give explanation in the police headquarters and come after her. She goes with the men.

Also read: Barrister Babu 7th-Oct-2021 Written Update

Bondita is coming. She petitions God for Anirudh. She says favor me that Anirudh gets liberated tomorrow, it will be a morning of joy, Trilochan, Binoy promotion Sampoorna will be glad, I will not be there, excuse me Anirudh, I need to disappear from you to save you. Thakumaa requests that Trilochan come inside the house, Anirudh will not return in the event that he stands like that. Trilochan says I will likewise go to the Lord alongside Anirudh. It begins coming down. She requests that he come in. Sampoorna gets an umbrella for him. He says no utilization, I have sworn, I will not go inside the house without him. He petitions God for Anirudh. He sits crying.

Bondita inquires as to for what reason did you stop the van here. The man says pause. She gets stunned seeing Chandrachur. She says you said you will save Anirudh, its not right. He says I think its entitlement to get love using any and all means, you should laud me, how I got you, Anirudh will be hanged toward the beginning of the day as a result of me, your romantic tale will end, another romantic tale will start, yours and mine. She says fail to remember it, your aims will not be satisfied, I will let everybody know that you are alive. He requests that she sit calm. He requests that driver cross the boundary. Bondita requests that driver stop the van.

Everybody at home implores. Bondita arrives at Dhaka. Thakumaa says Bondita will bring Anirudh home tomorrow, she will not allow us to lose our expectations. Tupur grins and figures Anirudh won’t come, I will get Chandrachur’s message, we will head off to some place far and have our reality. Corrections officer says Anirudh, as indicated by the laws, we need to know your last desire before capital punishment. Anirudh says I need to rub my Kaka’s legs, no, I need to give an affirmation to father, I need to meet the children, and address my sibling, I need to have the food made by Sampoorna, I need to see Bondita grinning once. Prison guard says no, we can simply satisfy your one desire. Anirudh says fine, I don’t need my relatives to be near, at the hour of my hanging. Prison guard says fine, we will be giving you the discipline after the last hearing, we will place you in an alternate cell.

Bondita cries. Anirudh is taken. Rishta tera mera… .plays… Chandrachur requests that Bondita get down the van. He requests that she see, they have come to Dhaka, she needs to consume all her time on earth with his affection and her tears. She says no, I can’t remain with you, regardless of whether you kill me. He says I would have killed you in case you were not my adoration. She requests that he leave her. He hauls her. She focuses a blade and says move away. She focuses the blade at her neck and says I have fortitude to pass on for my significant other, I will bite the dust and meet him today. Chandrachur requests that she stop. He acts and says Anirudh, you… . She goes to see. He says I can’t allow you to pass on, I love you, since long time, since I initially saw you, you would recall right, you had left me and fled, I will not allow you to bite the dust now, you need to live with me as my significant other. She says fail to remember it, on the grounds that your fantasy won’t ever get satisfied. He says you know how I helped your affection, I had placed the bombs in Roy Choudharys’ given gifts, I had harmed their food too. She gets stunned.

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