Anupama Written Update 2nd September 2022:

Anupama Written Update 2nd September 2022 on

Anupama gets a video call from Anuj. She inquires as to whether all is well. Anuj tells that everything is great. He asks Anupama when she is returning. Anuj let Anupama know that house looks new to him without her. He defy without Anupama he is becoming upset. Anuj enlighten Anupama regarding reproving Anu for no great explanation.

Anupama console Anuj and says he has become father interestingly consequently he is uninformed that chiding a kid is great. Anuj tell that Anu was not mixed up. Anupama requests that Anuj proceed to comfort Anu. She guarantees Anuj that she will attempt to return soon. Anuj lashes out for calling Anupama and upsetting her.

Anupama requests that Anuj quit saying sorry. Vanraj calls Anupama. Anuj gets goaded. Anupama requests that Anuj go to Anu. Anuj gets down on GK and requests that he take to Anu. Ankush attempts to help Anuj. He asks him not to feel that he is buttering rather helping him. Anukush takes Anuj to Anu.

Leela admonishes Doctor for being reckless towards Kinjal. She flaunts her experience and teaches specialist what is better for Kinjal. Anupama requests that Leela quiet. Specialist calls shahs miserable. Anuj and Anu accommodate. Both apologize to one another. Anu asks Anuj when they will meet the child. Anuj guarantees Anu that he will take her to the emergency clinic soon.

Anupama send her selfie with the child. Anuj send his selfie with Anu. Anupama composes, the two of them will deal with their little girls. Hasmuk, Vanraj, Pakhi and Samar bring Paritosh. Rakhi lash out seeing Paritosh. Anupama and different gets cheerful seeing Paritosh. Anupama handover the child to Paritosh.

Paritosh takes the child. Child cries in Paritosh’s arm. Paritosh asks Anupama for what valid reason child is crying to such an extent. Samar and Pakhi says child wasn’t crying in their arms. Anupama asks Paritosh not to stress as infants cry. Rakhi takes the child and says babies also become familiar with individuals’ expectation. She looks at Paritosh.

Shahs stand paralyzed. Rakhi gives the child to Kinjal. Anupama requests that Shahs give space to Paritosh and Kinjal as they have become guardians. Rakhi wonders whether or not to abandon Paritosh with Kinjal and Baby. Leela requests that Rakhi quit overcompensating as they aren’t leaving child and Kinjal with a psychological militant. Shahs leaves the spot. Rakhi requests that Paritosh become a mindful dad atleast.

Anupama stands befuddled. Kinjal apologize to Paritosh for Rakhi’s benefit. Paritosh asks Kinjal not to stretch Paritosh and Kinjal share a discussion. The two of them discuss dealing with child together. Anupama asks Rakhi the justification for her terrible moon on such a decent day. She requests that she spill her guts. Rakhi declares about taking Kinjal and child with her. Vanraj requests that Rakhi let Kinjal choose.

Precap: Rakhi face Paritosh about visiting an inn with a young lady. Anupama finds out about Paritosh’s extra-conjugal issue.

Also read: Anupama Written Update 1st September 2022

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