Ajooni 15th November 2022 Written Update on serialtalk.com
Episode starts with party specialist apologizes to Ajooni. He tells her that he can’t help her any longer. He says that he need to remain alive for his loved ones. Harvinder admits that he attempted to kill Rajveer multiple times. He says that he won’t extra the individual who comes in his manner.
Ajooni berates him that she won’t back. She says that she will win since truth is her ally. She cautions him to not feel that she is powerless. She takes steps to kill him in the event that anything happened to Rajveer. Shikha records that without anybody’s information. She takes Harvinder from that point.
Rajveer goes into the house and he calls Ajooni. Harman lets him know that Ajooni isn’t in the house. He requests that she not converse with him. Ajooni calls Rajveer and lets him know everything. Rajveer tells her that he is coming there. Harman requests that he generally doubt Ajooni. He glares her and goes out.
Shikha inquires as to whether he is certain party specialist won’t return. Harvinder tells her that his men will kill party laborer in the event that he entered the city. He gets some information about memory card of recorder. She lets him know that she obliterated it. She says that keeping the confirmation with them is perilous. He applauds her. She requests that he wed her straightaway. He tells her that he will marrry her and nobody can stop their marriage not even Ravinder.
Aman reviews that how Ajooni charged Harvinder. She understands that she committed huge error. She chooses to come clean to Bebe. She comes clean with Harman that Ajooni was telling about recorder. She illuminates her that how Harvinder deceived her to take the recorder. She says that she will tell everything to Bebe.
Harman inquires as to whether the last option heard the recording. Aman shook her head. Harman tells her that Ravinder will kill Harvinder. She cautions her to not inform anybody. She takes steps to toss her out of the house in the event that anything happened to Harvinder.
Shikha insult about Harvinder to her dad. She says that Harvinder will move on her tune. She shows the memory card to him.
Rajveer and Ajooni goes into the house. Bebe gets some information about verification. Harman faults Ajooni for everything. Bebe says that she will rebuff Ajooni. She says that it has been demonstrated that Ajooni is liar. Rajveer tells her that he will acknowledge the discipline.
Bebe requests that worker keep two candles on the table. She requests that they keep their hands on candles .She says that the person who takes the hand back initially will not get discipline. Rajveer and Ajooni keeps their hands on candles and they gazes one another.
Police assessor comes there and illuminates them that Harvinder’s jeep met with a mishap. He says that jeep tumbled from the precipice and he don’t think Harvinder is alive at this point. Aman blacks out. Rajveer calls the specialist.
Precap – Police examiner lets Baggas know that they tracked down a dead body and not many things. Aman says that this is Harvinder’s watch.
Also read: Ajooni 14th November 2022 Written Update