Udaariyaan 26th-Oct-2021 Written Update:

The episode starts with Jass threatening Dilraj with a knife asking where Tejo is. Tejo is worried for her family and asks Fateh to drive fast. Fateh vows to get Tejo out of this problem. Satti sends Dilraj with Biji and Herman’s wife. Jass asks Satti to take her phone and asks to call Tejo. Satti asks how she can call her when he has Tejo’s phone. Jass asks Satti to call any Tejo’s friend in the college. Tejo’s phone rings. Fateh asks Tejo to put the phone in loudspeaker. Satti asks her to come home fast. Tejo asks if there’s any problem there. Satti says that Jass woke up and he is waiting for her to have breakfast. Tejo agrees. Tejo asks Fateh to not come with her as it will create more problem. Fateh asks Tejo to use this phone till Jass has her phone. He saved his another number in this and will call her in this phone. He asks to keep this phone away from Jass.

Jasmine is cooking while talking with Sweety in call. She says that Fateh has gone out for some work. She says that she is happy that she finally going to marry Fateh and she’s going to do shopping to take her wedding dress. Jasmine acts as she is talking to an academy client when Gurpreet and Nimmo arrive there. Jasmine says that she’s going to the academy as she has lot of works and leaves. Nimmo taunts Jasmine. Gurpreet says that Tejo saved the academy from being closed and worries for her.

Also read: Udaariyaan 25th-Oct-2021 Written Update:

Tejo arrives at Sandhu’s house and finds broken pots outside the house. She goes in and asks Jass about the same. Jass says that she was desperate to meet her lover, so she left making him sleep. Tejo asks him to mind his words. She says that she went to the college and asks what he did outside. Jass says that he will destroy everything in the house, if she keeps going out like this. He brutally holds her chin and asks how she dared to go to the college through the window. Tejo pushes his hand away and says that she didn’t have any other way as the main door was locked and she had an important work in the college. Jass warns her to not act smart and to not go out without his permission. The fate of her family members depends on how they behave with him. He leaves. Satti asks Tejo if they got to know anything. Tejo says that they got to know something and Fateh has gone to find about it. They may get good news by evening till that they should face Jass with courage.

Jasmine is talking with Sweety in phone about shopping, but she changes it on seeing Fateh and says that she has lot of work and can’t come for shopping. Jasmine asks Fateh where he was. Fateh says that he went to find clue against Fateh and got it one. Jasmine gets shocked. Fateh says that soon Jass will be out of their life and inside the jail. Jasmine acts as she cares for Tejo and asks what the clue is. Fateh says that he will tell the next day till that he will get details about Jass and he will be jailed. Jasmine pretends to have headache. Fateh asks Jasmine to go home. Jasmine leaves.

Jass is sitting to have alcohol and forcibly makes Tejo sit with him. Other hand Jasmine gets into an auto and says that she should alert Jass soon. Tejo receives Fateh’s call, but she doesn’t receive it as she’s with Jass. Fateh also understands this. Jass asks Tejo to drink alcohol. Tejo agrees and says that she wants to go to the washroom first. Jass agrees. Tejo locks the washroom door and phones Fateh and asks if he found anything. Fateh says that he got a solid proof, but he needs time till tomorrow to prove it. Tejo asks what he got. Jass comes and asks how long she will take. Tejo says two mins. Jass receives Jasmine’s call and she asks him to meet her immediately as it’s urgent. He agrees. Jass says to Tejo that he’s going out as he has an emergency work, he leaves locking the main door and asks to not act smartly. Tejo feels relieved.

Jass asks Jasmine what clue Fateh got. Jasmine says that she doesn’t know it, she only knows that Fateh got something. Jass twists Jasmine’s hand and asks to not act smartly. Jasmine cries in pain and says that she told what Fateh told her and will inform him if she gets know anything ahead. Jasmine says that Fateh told that whatever he has to do, he will do it tomorrow and he has a clue and he was missing the whole day. Jass says that Tejo was also missing the whole day and says that they might have been together. Jasmine agrees with Jass. Jass says that Fateh can’t do anything. Jasmine asks Jass to do whatever he wants with Tejo, not Fateh. She asks him to run away. Jass asks what about their deal. He threatens Jasmine. He asks with whom else Fateh would have shared about this. Jasmine says that Fateh must have share it with Tejo. Fateh says to Tejo that he got some information from Jass’ friends and need time till the next day to prove it and they have to find Rukmani as well. Tejo hears bike sound and disconnects the call saying Jass has come.

Sandhu’s women are ready to attack Jass when he will enter in, but they get surprised on seeing the person. Fateh feels someone has entered the academy and gets a hockey stick to check. Jasmine wonders what Jass will do and worries what if Jass spills her name in front of Tejo. She decides to call Fateh, but stops and she says that Fateh asked her to wait till tomorrow. Fateh gets kidnapped. A goon send by Jass says to Sandhu’s women that Jass has some work so he sent him to keep an eye on him. Jass and his men hits Fateh. Tejo worries what important work Jass has in the night time. Jass removes the sack from Fateh’s face. Fateh gets angry on seeing Jass. Tejo says that Fateh may have done something with Fateh and phones Fateh. Jass sees Tejo’s call and breaks the phone. Tejo gets worried when Fateh’s phone is switched off. Jass tears Fateh’s shirt and mocks him. He asks what clue got him. Fateh gets shocked and wonders how he got to know this. Jass says that he will blackmail Fateh’s family to give him money and will go to Canada. He takes a selfie with Fateh. Fateh asks to release him if he has courage. Jass says that he can even kill him right now and leaves laughing.

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