Tere Bina Jiya Jaye Na 6th January 2022 Written Update:

Krisha does arti. Minakshi says your voice is so great. I’m likewise great vocalist. My master ji said I sound like k.. Naina says koyal. Krisha says would you say you were singing final evening as well? I heard somebody singing. Naina says the person who sued to sing is no more. Mama..

Jaya says Devraj’s mother used to sing also. Krisha says in heart was Naina going to say Naina? Devraj asks Krisha did you hear somebody singing? Is that why you were in the lobby? She says I may be envisioning. Devraj says OK. He takes the arti. Krisha says there’s a going thing on. I want to discover. Krisha says Maya didn’t use to do this pooja consistently. Krisha says so you need to remove that from me as well? He says should do that on time as well. Krisha expresses what time?

Everyones comes for breakfast. Krisha says where could Rati be? Jaya says she’s not well. Krisha says let me take her morning meal to her room. Jaya says you’re a princess. There are numerous workers. Krisha says and her companion as well. I needn’t bother with any assignment to be there for somebody. Minakshi says Ugra gets so irate we don’t require a warmer. Krisha takes the morning meal. Aarav stops her. He says take this pot as well. It has upma. Rati truly prefers it. Krisha opens it. There’s a food inside it. Devraj asks what was the deal? Krisha says was checking assuming that it has everything. Devraj stops Krisha. He says you failed to remember the spoon.

Tere Bina Jiya Jaye Na 5th January 2022 Written Update:

Krisha comes to her room and conceals the pot. Aarav says you returned my telephone so I got you another one. She says much obliged. Aarav says I shouldn’t ask yet what’s happening? Do you want to leave us? Krisha says I.. Devraj comes. He says you were going to Rati’s room. Krisha says was going there as it were. Devraj says where is upma bowl? Krisha says that is the reason I halted. I broke it. Sujata is bringing the other bwol. She leaves.

Krisha comes to Rati’s room and says Rati bhabhi? Is it safe to say that you are alright? She isn’t in her room. Krisha glances around. She says where could Rati be? Krisha sees Roma going behind a rack. Krisha sees her taking food. Krisha says who lives behind it? Another person who I dont’know about? Who was she taking nourishment for?

Devraj is taking his gathering. He sees Krisha’s tracker. He says Krisha isn’t in her room? Krisha says I’ve to discover what’s happening in this sanctuary. Krisha sees Rati slipping away. She asks Rati where are you going? She says clinic reports? You don’t look alright. Rati says I was powerless. Krisha says for what reason would you say you were sneaking ready?

Krisha sees her pregnancy reports. Krisha says would you say you are pregnant? Rati says I am fine. It’s everything because of pregnancy. In any case, I don’t want to tell anybody. For what reason would you say you are stowing away from everybody? RAti says there’s a tremendous festival and a ton of ceremonies when somebody is pregnant. I don’t want to do all that till Raghav.. I want to believe that he understands his error. Would you pardon him? I realize you don’t confide in him.

Rati says in the event that he apologizes.. I would need my youngster to associate with his father. Krisha says I will excuse him for yourself as well as your kid. Rati says bless your heart. Ladies are excusing. Regardless they’ve done to you. Krisha reviews what Devraj did to her. Rati says guarantee me you could tell anybody?

Krisha says I will not. You need to deal with yourself and assuming that anything occurs, let me know. Rati expresses what were you talking about? what did you see? The house keeper says to Krisha Devraj is calling you. Ugra brings juice for Rati. She says did you drink it? Rati drinks it. Krisha is befuddled to see Ugra being so great to her.

Krisha asks Devraj you called me? He says OK. He sees the customer seeing Krisha through the vide call. Devraj says nauseating, he says for what reason would you say you are moving around like that Krisha? Krisha says you called me. I need hanging your coat. He says nothing now. Krisha says you are so abnormal. She sees Maya’s painting and heard the sound of melody the previous evening.

Krisha goes higher up and attempts to move the rack. Krisha says I saw Roma going there. Krisha takes photographs from a photograph collection. Krisha says this is my room. It was coming from over my room. There’s this old piece of the palace above it. Nobody goes there. WHo lives there? Devraj comes in. Krisha crashes into him. The melody yeh moh k dhaage plays. Devraj expresses what’s going on with you? He sees the photographs. He expresses how were you doing palace pictures?

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