Swaran Ghar 31st October 2022 Written Update:

Swaran Ghar 31st October 2022 Written Update on serialtalk.com

Balli questions Swaran about her tears. Swaran wipes her tears and says that this is tears of satisfaction. Balli inquires as to whether Swaran needn’t bother with his liver for Nakul. Swaran says OK. Balli signals her to grin all things considered. Swaran adheres to his guidance.

Swaran looks for Balli’s authorization to go to Gurudwara and petition God for Nakul as today his medical procedure will occur. Balli awards her consent to go. Balli requests that she come down the stairs happily on face. Balli leaves. Swaran cries. Swaran, Yug gear up to leave for Gurudwara. Balli prevents Yug from going with Swaran and says that he will go with Swaran.

Swaran attempts to protest yet concurs later. Vikram comes there. Balli lets him know that he will provide Nakul with a piece of his liver and portion of the property to Vikram. Swaran, Balli leave for Gurudwara. Bebe inquires as to whether he is cheerful at this point. Vikram doesn’t answer and leaves.

At Gurudwara, Swaran meets Ankita and Divya. They inquire as to whether she has come to appeal to God for Nakul. Swaran says OK. Balli spots them together. Ankita says that they are glad to see Swaran. She makes reference to about Ajit. Balli requests that Swaran leave from that point. Ankita feels awful pondering Swaran. Swaran gives Nakul’s photo to Godsman and wishes to appeal to God for him. Ankita, Divya join her.

Swaran feels honored to have them close by. They all appeal to God for Nakul. Balli requests that Swaran leave with him and inquires as to whether she needs to appeal to God for Ajit as well. Swaran says no. Balli hauls Swaran outside. They got come by a gift method. Divya reviews her deed and second thoughts for ruining both Swaran and Ajit’s lives.

Swaran hears petition for Ajit from outside and appeals to God for him. She says thanks to God for letting her be a piece of the request. Yug signals at Swaran. Saroj sees it and illuminates Balli that the gift strategy was arranged by Swaran and Yug so Swaran can hear the request for Ajit. Balli requests that Swaran leave for home. Swaran says that they need to go to emergency clinic for Nakul’s a medical procedure.

Balli says no they will go to Swaran Ghar as it were. They bring Swaran back home strongly. At medical clinic, Nakul find out about Swaran’s misfortune from Kiran and Bebe. He faults himself and wishes to pass on. Kiran, Bebe request that he not fault himself. Kiran says that they were vulnerable as Ajit got stroke out of nowhere.

Yug calls Bebe and requests that they return home right away. Kiran inquires as to whether Balli will come for the medical procedure. Bebe expresses yes as Swaran had put her beginning and end in question for this medical procedure she will bring Balli for the medical procedure. Swaran folds hands before Balli and demands him to go to medical clinic. Bebe shows up at Swaran Ghar and asks what occurred. Balli says that he wishes to go for the medical procedure yet because of Swaran the arrangement is dropped now.

Yug attempts to safeguard Swaran however Balli requests that he not meddle. He tells Bebe that Swaran petitioned God for Ajit at Gurudwara. Yug says that it was his thought. Balli gets forceful. Swaran stops him. Swaran says that the request was finished by Ajit’s youngsters not her. She says that she sat idle. Balli says that he will do nothing as well.

Swaran falls on his feet and requests that he not do this as Nakul lacks opportunity and willpower close by. Yug joins Swaran. Saroj says that no medical procedure will occur. Balli says that the present arrangement is dropped. Swaran argues before him and says that she did anything he requested that she do and will do likewise in future as well. He reminds Swaran to grin. Swaran grins and requests that he leave for a medical procedure. Balli requests that Swaran sign on the property papers first.

Also read: Swaran Ghar Written Update 22nd October 2022

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