Spy Bahu Written Update 1st September 2022:

Spy Bahu Written Update 1st September 2022 on serialtalk.com

Episode begins with Sejal actually strolling on street. Some side of the road young men attempt to eve bother her. Yohan seriously pummels them. Sejal doesn’t see him. She goes to café close by and requests that retailer loan her telephone for once. She dials Bapuji’s number yet figures he will sting to realize her conditions so doesn’t let him know anything.

Yohan comes there and subtly requests that businessperson give his telephone so he can find whom Sejal had attempt to contact. Yohan is stunned to realize that Sejal had called Bapuji at Jamnagar. He understands that she has really lost her recollections and is just Paro now. Sejal vulnerably sits on street.

Yohan requests that businessperson give water and bread rolls to Sejal. She lets him know that she doesn’t have cash, he stills give it to her. Sejal hydrates and tears roll parcel yet it disperses on street. She attempts to get them and eat as she hadn’t eaten because of quick since morning. Yohan cries seeing her condition. Vehicle is shown coming towards Sejal yet Yohan saves her in time.

Yohan requests pardoning and feels regretful for questioning her pointlessly. She inquires as to why he didn’t stop her. Yohan tells he continues to rehash botches. It begins pouring intensely. They go under conceal and Yohan gets up fire going. They get to know each other and Sejal says everything is occurring reverse for them.

She tells how they as of now have child and presently they are becoming companions and advances her hand. Yohan holds it. She has hiccups once more. Yohan advises her that they had chosen to name their girl as hitchki in view of her propensity and KhaKhra on the off chance that its a kid. She grins.

Child kicks in the belly and Sejal requests that Yohan feel it. Yohan asks absolution from child as well. Sejal tells that hitchki has proactively pardoned him. Yohan and Sejal return to Nanda Mansion. All yohan requests that workers organize Sejal’s number one dishes. Mahira feels irritated seeing them back. Veera is going to ask something however Yohan tells originally let Sejal eat then he will make sense of.

Yohan requests that Sejal begin eating yet she requests that he ask first. Shalini likewise asks why Sejal returned. Yohan begins taking care of Sejal yet she takes care of him all things considered. Mahira consumes in envy. Yohan tells Veera they have previously figured out their issues and there will be no more. Shalini prods Mahira saying affection ought to be like Yohan and Sejal’s.

Arun comes there with Krish and feels thrilled seeing Sejal back. He asks Yohan at no point ever to rehash same misstep in the future. Krish tells its a cheerful second and they ought to celebrate it. Arun declares for God bharai custom. Veera asks Yohan and Sejal’s choice. They concur as kid will get the gifts. The episode closes with Mahira figuring she will play a major event this time and end the reason for Yohan and Sejal’s fellowship.

Also read: Spy Bahu Written Update 31st August 2022

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