Sasural Simar Ka 2 2nd December 2022 Written Update:

Sasural Simar Ka 2 2nd December 2022 Written Update on

Episode begins with Simar requesting that Mata Rani assist her with finding every one of the solutions infront of everybody. She begins ringing the sanctuary chimes. Pandit ji comes there. He tells her that annihilation had happened that day, that no one got saved. Simar gets some information about the mishap.

Pandit ji says just I understand what Master ji has gone through. She asks Pandit ji what has occurred. Pandit ji says he got saved that day. Simar inquires as to whether Master ji is alive and requests that he tell where could he be? Pandit ji says he didn’t emerge from his hovel since that day, I know whether he is alive or not. simar requests that he take her there. Aarav awakens and calls Simar, asking where did she go? He emerges.

Vivaan and Reema are trusting that Simar will return. Vivaan lets Reema know that he will deal with Aarav. Aarav asks Vivaan did you see Simar, she isn’t in her room. Badimaa comes first floor and inquires as to why you are yelling. Aarav says Simar isn’t at home. Badimaa asks where did she go around evening time.

Aarav says Simar could have told Reema. Reema says I don’t have any idea. Aarav says we will proceed to look through her. Vivaan lets Reema know that everything plan is destroyed. Aarav returns to his room and calls Simar. He tracks down her telephone off and ponders where did she go so late in night.

Labuni comes to the PS. Reema tells Vivaan that Simar’s telephone is off. She says kindly switch on your telephone, Aarav awakened.

Pandit ji lets Simar know that he couldn’t say whether Master ji will meet her or not. Simar says thanks to him. Chitra, Sandhya and others come there. Chitra tells that Simar evaporates consistently and argues honesty. She says when asked tomorrow, she will say exactly the same thing. Aarav says enough. Chitra says this is what I’m talking about, this is sufficient. Sandhya says on the off chance that Simar comes, we need to rigorously ask her.

Aarav requests that Reema let know if she knows where could Simar be? Reema is going to tell, all of a sudden badimaa calls Monitor. Monitor says all confirmations are against Simar, however truth will come out soon. Badimaa lets him know that we as a whole are stressed as Simar is missing. All of a sudden Controller sees Labuni remaining in dull and calls her Simar ji, you are here.

He lets Badimaa know that she is infront of me. Reema lets Vivaan know that she went to Master ji. vivaan says OK. Simar comes to Master ji. Master ji requests that she go and asks her not to approach him. He is terrified and tells that she has killed everybody and will kill me as well. Simar says master ji. Master ji requests that she leave. Assessor asks Simar ji, why you are here? Labuni comes infront of him. Assessor says so you are the genuine killer and requests that Constable capture her.

The light gleams and the things begin moving. He inquires as to why you need to seem to be Simar and why you killed roy chaudharys. Labuni says they killed me, I killed them. Controller says you will now be taken to jail. Labuni makes his weapon flies in air. Simar tells Master ji that no one but he can help her. Master ji says he didn’t see such underhanded soul previously, getting her is incomprehensible.

Auditor asks Labuni who is she? Labuni says she is a similar terrible young lady whom he was looking and says she will kill him. Overseer says I won’t allow anything to happen to you, leave me. Simar requests that Master ji help her, save many lives. Master ji says she has killed my three shishyas infront of my eyes and I could do nothing. He cries.

Simar gives him water and requests that he quiet down. She requests that he determine what happened that evening. Master ji says that sculpture took humanly symbol that evening and became completely awake. Simar says I was correct, she came in human symbol. She requests that he help her save her family and Aarav ji. She requests that he come and let everybody know whatever happend with you that evening, else no one will trust me.

Master ji says let me be, I won’t tell anyone.Labuni makes the firearm fire Overseer. He bites the dust. Aarav lets his family know that he will come and bring Simar back. Vivaan requests that Reema check where is Jhumri. He goes. Other Controller comes there and says you will be locked up. Labuni makes constable shoots him. She then, at that point, makes every one of the constables shoot one another. They all bite the dust. Simar says thanks to Master ji for consenting to accompany her.

Precap: Simar returns home and requests that Master ji tell that the sculpture has taken the humanly structure that evening. Guruji faculties Labuni’s presence there and gets frightened.

Also read: Sasural Simar Ka 2 1st December 2022 Written Update

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