Sanjog Written update 25th August 2022:

Sanjog Written update 25th August 2022 on

Episode begins with Ranjini calling the secretary and lying about her convoluted pregnancy to meet Amrita’s primary care physician. She gets an arrangement and sneers wanting to uncover Amrita before everybody. While, the last option packs her stuffs to visit the shelter. Around then Rakshita comes there and get some information about Rajeev, to which Amrita answers that he has some significant work thus went to the workplace.

She says that she even intended to visit halfway house alongside him, however he is occupied. She demands Rakshita to show up with her, while the last option concurs. In the mean time, she sees the nightie with Amrita and gets stunned. Rakshita gets incensed and grabs the nightie from Amrita.

She makes up obviously false that Amrita doesn’t wear such stuffs, so she will keep it. Yet, Amrita takes it back and says that she will continuously keep it alongside herself, as it is a gift from Rajeev. Rakshita gets restless and chooses to go up against Rajeev about it.

Amrita went to the shelter alongside Rakshita. She blends alongside the children and plays with them. She then, at that point, conveys the garments, while the women of halfway house adulates her for thinking often about the children. In the mean time, Amrita sees a young lady on the rooftop and recoveries her from tumbling down.

Somewhere else, the women shows their appreciation towards Amrita and get some information about her pregnancy report, to which Rakshita expresses that there isn’t any chance of her pregnancy. Amrita stands firm for her and says that she is as yet confident, while the woman propose her to take on a youngster, as they likewise needs guardians. Amrita gets satisfied with the idea and states that she will make it happen.

Rakshita gets stunned and attempts to stop her, however Amrita broadcasts that perhaps this is her destiny. That’s what rakshita imagines on the off chance that Amrita gets the child, she will not have the option to get Rajeev. She deceives Amrita and pardons herself from that point. In the mean time, Amrita likewise gets a get back to from Rajeshwari and goes to her home.

Ahead, Rakshita attacks Rajeev and request that he take a choice. She educates him regarding Amrita’s intending to embrace a child, while he likewise gets stunned. He guarantees that he will converse with her and apologizes for erroneously giving the nightie to her. Rakshita gives an admonition to Rajeev and gives him a cutoff time. She announces that he should in the middle between Amrita or her and leaves from that point.

Gopal and Gauri camouflages themselves to loot the transport which is brimming with visitors getting back from marriage. They gets inside it and ties them up. They takes their cash, while police begins following them. Gauri guarantees her posse and getaways from that point securely.

She likewise decides to accomplish all the extravagance as Amrita. Though, Alok questions the visitors about the criminals and gets a sketch of Gauri and Gopal. He decides to track down them, while around then he gets a call from Rajeshwari and goes there.

Further, Ranjini sneers seeing Amrita while the last option gets befuddled and goes inside to see Rajeshwari conversing with her PCP. The last option gets irate at Amrita for concealing the report and broadcasts that she will not have the option to give main successor to them. Amrita stands firm for herself and says that she wants to choose for her youngster.

Rajeshwari attacks Amrita for raising her voice, while the last option announces that she is as yet confident that she will get pregnant. Around then Alok likewise comes there and attempts to quiet Rajeshwari, she censures the two of them, while the woman from halfway house likewise comes there and shows her appreciation towards Amrita for taking a choice to embrace a child, though Rajeshwari gets stunned hearing it.

Also read: Sanjog Written update 24th August 2022

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