Rishton Ka Manjha 8th January 2022 Written Update:

Madhuri brings Pihu higher up. She expresses what was Arjun talking about? You took my gems? Individuals have accused you here previously yet they were off-base. Let me know Arjun isn’t right and it’s obviously false. Pihu says sorry maa. I got a major ravenous. I’ve never seen such costly gold. I was concerned for my folks in the wake of losing the prize. I wanted to offer it and give that cash to my folks and spot counterfeit here.

Madhuri is going to slap here. Madhuri says Arjun was correct. This is your genuine face. It was all yours. I acknowledged you with everything that is in me. On the off chance that you needed whatever you might ask me. I thought of you as my girl. You could talk about with me. I’m embarrassed to call you the DIL of this house. She leaves. Depika says I can’t accept you’re a similar young lady. You never merited Arjun and our affection. They all leave. Pihu chuckles.

Niharika gives telephone to Pihu. It’s Tina. She says all around good done Diya. Is it true or not that you are cheerful at this point? Pihu called Tina and said you did a good job for supplanting the genuine gold with counterfeit. I will send Diya there. Tina says so according to our arrangement you accomplished your work. I sent you back home. Tina told Diya you’re returning home. You need to do what I say. In the event that you act oversmart your father.. Diya said my father? Where could he be? Tina said I kidnapped him.

Assuming you act savvy your father will not be alright. I realize the amount you love him. Tina giggles available for potential emergencies and says do as I say. Pihu did half of the work. Everybody despises you. Ensure Arjun divorces you in the following 5 days and afterward you can take your father. Give telephone to Niharika now. Diya cries. Niharika says to Tina all around good done. Much obliged for allowing me an opportunity and confiding in me once more. This time our arrangement would work. Tina says Diya is exceptionally shrewd. You’ve to remain alert. Try not to let Diya and Arjun be.

Arjun breaks his tennis racket out of frustration. Madhuri comes to him. He says would you like to guard Diya once more? She says I am similarly stung. She acknowledged that she took. My heart can’t accept. Arjun says no doubt you more likely than not felt terrible. Your cherished DIL did this. Madhuri says don’t be frantic at me. I accomplished for you. I’m your mother, I needed your bliss. He says you were unable to know what my genuine bliss is. Diya is the most exceedingly awful misstep of my life. Her torment, her fantasy, her bliss, I made everything mine. Kindly let me be. Madhuri leaves.

Rishton Ka Manjha 7th January 2022 Written Update:

Niharika says to Diya don’t attempt to act brilliant or do anything. Diya reviews her marriage. She came to that house. Diya says why God? For what reason would you say you are doing this to me? I never requested anything. Then, at that point, you carried Arjun to my life. He gave me all that I needed. His adoration, his backing, this house, this family.

Kush says Diya was something different before the camp and she’s distinctive at this point. This is unfathomable. Depika says OK however she acknowledged herself that she did it for cash. She’s changed. She’s not the Diya we preferred. Kush says how might somebody change in 7 days like that? Is it true that she is feeling the squeeze? Is there anything we mightn’t?

Depika says Arjun’s joy was a higher priority than my beginning and end. I will address you today. You took my backing, my satisfaction from me. Depika says assuming there was an issue she could impart it to Arjun. Niharika says she’s ravenous. Her world is out. I generally had questions on her. You generally agreed with her position Kush.

Kush says you were additionally off-base. Kush says he’s actually agreeing with her stance. Depika leaves as well. Diya says my father.. Arjun.. I can’t see them in a tough situation. I won’t ever excuse Tina. She cries. Niharika calls Tina and says everybody is against Diya. Tina says where could Diya be? There ought to be no misstep. Niharika says I am outside her room. Continually watching out for her.

Diya picks her telephone and calls Mira. Mira expresses what? I don’t want to converse with you. For what reason did you hurt Arjun? Diya says where could baba be? She says he’s away for his work. He is exceptionally frantic at you. Diya says how would I come clean with maa. How might she handle herself.

Diya comes to Ajrun. He can’t stand. Diya holds him. She cries.
Precap :Diya says I can’t surrender like this. I should converse with Arjun and come clean with him. I need to get baba out of Tina’s confinement. Diya says to Arjun I want to converse with you. Niharika is there.

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