Rajjo Written Update 12th October 2022:

Rajjo Written Update 12th October 2022 on serialtalk.com

Episode begins with Urvashi and his family contending with Arjun for confiding in Rajjo and needing to actually look at the jewelry. Arjun says that he says that he needs to actually take a look at the jewelry to rebuff Rajjo. He requests that Urvashi give him the accessory and requests that Madhu call the diamond setter to actually take a look at it. Urvashi eliminates her neckband and hands it to Arjun.

The gem dealer checks the accessory and says that it’s unique, which shocks Rajjo. Arjun says thanks to Urvashi for her participation and apologizes to her. He makes her wear the jewelry. Urvashi imagines that her father probably paid off that gem dealer to lie. Arjun shouts at Rajjo to get out.

Pushkar says that Rajjo is as yet standing and considering tracking down a reason to remain back. He calls his companion, who is a cop. Madhu abuses Rajjo’s mom’s childhood. Rajjo asks Madhu not to express anything against her mother. Rajjo and Arjun take a gander at one another. Arjun imagines that Rajjo ought to leave to stay away from any enormous difficulty. Rajjo won’t leave since she needs to save Arjun from inconvenience.

Manorama becomes restless about Rajjo. She laments sending her there alone. She implores God to safeguard her. At Thakur’s manor, the police capture Rajjo and drag her from that point. Rajjo considers tracking down any reason to remain once again to save Arjun. Rajjo reviews her companion educating her regarding sending the video of Arjun wedding Rajjo. Rajjo requests that the controller leave her. She shows the video of Arjun wedding Rajjo and announcing Rajjo as his better half.

The overseer says that they can’t capture Rajjo subsequent to seeing the video and requests that they figure out their family issues among themselves. On the off chance that they can’t tackle it, then they can come to the police headquarters.

Dadaji says that they can’t disregard Arjun and Rajjo’s wedding since he proclaimed Rajjo as his significant other in the video. Pratap says that Arjun said that he had hitched Rajjo to save her. Jhilmil’s better half says that Arjun is Rajjo’s significant other and the townspeople and ladies’ affiliation will conflict with them on the off chance that they don’t toss Rajjo out of the house.

Jhilmil stresses over the media. Pushkar says that he will deal with this and requests that they toss Rajjo out of the house. Chirag says that they need to acknowledge Rajjo and Arjun’s wedding for the present. Jhilmil’s better half adds that they ought to allow Rajjo to remain in this house as Arjun’s significant other for quite a while.

Arjun imagines that he will not have the option to endure Rajjo in any event, briefly and thinks about how to bear her for quite a long time for his opportunity. He believes it’s unjustifiable. Rajjo imagines that God did fair with them and expectations Arjun comprehends her genuine thought process soon.

Madhu won’t acknowledge that idea and censures the family for supporting this idea. She then, at that point, faults Rajjo for harming Arjun and breaking his trust. She says that Rajjo is a cash digger who will won’t take off from Arjun and this house following a couple of months.

So she won’t acknowledge Rajjo as Arjun’s better half in any event, for a couple of months and requests that the family track down some other arrangement. Madhu asks Rajjo to leave Arjun and takes anything she desires. She is even prepared to fall on Rajjo’s feet. Arjun stops Madhu and frowns at Rajjo. Madhu says that Rajjo demolished Arjun and Urvashi’s lives before their wedding.

Urvashi cries fake tears and runs into her room and locks it. Arjun stresses over Urvashi and thumps on the entryway requesting that she open the entryway. The fact that Rajjo ruined her arrangement makes urvashi aggravated. She requests that Arjun leave. Arjun demands Urvashi to open the entryway.

Urvashi faults Rajjo and impels him against Rajjo. Arjun guarantees Urvashi to make Rajjo pay twofold of how she managed them. He hears Madhu’s crying sound. He hurries to Madhu. Arjun attempts to quiet Madhu down. Arjun goes to his family, who are examining tracking down an answer for this issue, and says that he has settled on a choice.

Precap: Manorama meets with a mishap. Manorama asks Rajjo not to surrender prior to biting the dust. Arjun laments confiding in Rajjo. Arjun gives her a check. Rajjo tears the check and requests that he make an arrangement with her.

Also read: Rajjo Written Update 11th October 2022

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