RadhaKrishn 11th February 2022 Written Update:

Krishna attempts to reclaim his letter. Radha denies and requests that he make an honest effort. Yashoda asks her not to provide for him.

Krishna solicitations to bring it back. They play get game. Radha peruses letter for Balram that he is feeling remorseful for stalling him out in rishi Sandipani’s ashram and can’t pass on Vrindavan until he returns because of his guarantee, so he needs him to return soon so he can free himself and leave Vrindavan.

They all vibe liable for considering rebuffing Krishna and perusing his letter. Gopis remember to visit Sandipani’s ashram and assist Balram with completing his jobs and return to Vrindavan soon.

Gorilla beast Dwividh comes to approach Dwarka and seeing an ocean safeguarding around it thinks he is extremely strong and can arrange Samudradev to give him a way. He inconveniences individuals and wrecks ruin.

Samudradev’s reflection is upset, and he leaves furiously to check and asks beast who is he. Beast says he is Dwividh who needs his direction to Vrindavan and is requesting him to clear a way for him.

Samudradev says assuming he is tremendous, even he is profound. Gorilla tosses huge stones and mountains in ocean and says he once assembled a scaffold in ocean. Samudradev figures the reason why don’t he recollect what his identity is, assuming he keeps tossing stones, soon he will fill the ocean with stones.

RadhaKrishn 10th February 2022 Written Update:

Kanha proceeds to act and cries with dread tears. Radha strolls to him. He says he is problematic to her, so she should get back to Dwarka. Radha feels remorseful and serves him. Yashoda and Nand strolls to him next. He utilize his passionate dramatization on even them. They feed him feast from their hands. Radha blows up seeing his theatrics.

Precap :Samudradev clears a path for gorilla.Gorilla heads towards Dwarka to meet Krishna. Krishna thinks Dwarka is at serious risk.

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