Punyashlok Ahilya Bai 1st July 2022 Written Update:

Punyashlok Ahilya Bai 1st July 2022 Written Update on serialtalk.com

Episode begins with Parvati discussing her thoughts of frailty with Khanderao. She says I have no worth in your life, when you are with me, I feel you’re not with me, Ahilya’s pregnancy destitute every one of my expectations,

indeed, even Gautama concentrates on her, I m likewise another lady of the hour, shouldn’t something be said about my sentiments, we didn’t meet since morning, did you consider investing energy with me, somebody would have let you know that I m not in the castle, swear on me and tell me, did you go to my space to meet me or track down me. He gets quiet.

She says you went to track down me. He says there were numerous things going on, quiet down, everybody is concerned for you, accompany me, we will talk later, you are truly demon to me. He persuades her to come. Ahilya supplicates and expresses gratitude toward Shiv that Parvati is found. Gangoba says Parvati proceeded to get stowed away, however why, what’s wrong.

She says I know why. He gets some information about the reports. She says I was seeing it, then a worker enlightened me concerning Parvati, I have really taken a look at half of it, sit. She really looks at the reports. Gangoba asks what occurred. She says when I saw this first, the figures were unique, presently I think that it is unique, how might this occur.

He requests that she check once more, perhaps she forgot because of stress. She says no, the figures are unique, I remember it unexpectedly early. He asks did you leave the room by keeping the archives here.

She says OK, I went out, worker let me know that she heard somebody’s shout, she is new here, I was concerned, I didn’t think a lot and went out, I committed a major error, somebody had come here and changed the records in my nonappearance.

Dwarka asks does anybody do this, we as a whole were so terrified. She says each connection has highs and lows. Gautama requests that Parvati see the leaves, the enormous leaves came out first and afterward the little leaves, everything is devil similarly for the plant. She makes sense of Parvati. She says you shouldn’t contrast yourself and anybody.

She asks are you understanding what I mean. Parvati says I didn’t do this to inconvenience anybody, I have attempted a ton to grasp this climate. Gautama requests that Khanderao take Parvati to her room. Parvati goes. Malhar says great, you didn’t fault her, you made sense of her well. Gautama says I want to believe that she comprehends. They go. Dwarka says I won’t allow her injury to recuperate soon.

Parvati sees Ahilya. Khanderao races to her and asks are you alright. Ahilya says OK. She asks Parvati is she OK. Parvati contends with Ahilya about Khanderao. He asks Ahilya not to focus on this and come to her room, take rest.

Parvati says see, even this evening, I told Khanderao obviously that I m so harmed intellectually, he is as yet going to Ahilya’s room. Khanderao asks what are you talking about, mightn’t you at any point see her state. She says I have a presence here, yet it has no worth, just Ahilya matters to you, so you don’t recollect that our marriage will finish a half year tomorrow.

She cries and says my place is as yet unchanged. Khanderao asks Ahilya not to cry, Parvati expressed that out of resentment. Ahilya says no, her words are chomped valid, her depression has given her much agony, so she got powerless to say this. Parvati says OK, its my entitlement to go through the day with Khanderao, guarantee me, you will went through the whole day with me and not come to Ahilya.

Precap :After 8 years, Malwa is as yet continuing forward a direct result of Malhar. Siraj is the foe of Malwa.

Also read: Punyashlok Ahilya Bai 30th June 2022 Written Update

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