Pandya Store 27th May 2022 Written Update:

Pandya Store 27th May 2022 Written Update on

The episode begins with Dhara giving Krish the morning meal plate of Gautam and Shiva. She says that she made Rishita’s #1 food and she will take it to her room. Kalyaani tells Janardan that she advised them to host gathering’s extras food to the morning meal. Janardan shares with Kalyaani to keep them from eating extras and give new food. Kamini stops Dhara and asks whose morning meal she’s taking.

Dhara says that Rishita’s. Kamini then inquires as to whether they had food. Dhara says that their food, which is the last evening extras, that Kalyaani advised them to have for the morning meal, is in the kitchen. Kamini says that they will disperse the extras among poor people and shares with Dhara to prepare new nourishment for themselves. Dhara says that she will do it in the wake of giving Rishita her morning meal.

Dhara comes to Rishita and inquires as to why she looks miserable. Rishita says that she feels terrible seeing her eating for her. Dhara says that Rishita used to eat it quick when she did likewise in Pandya house. Rishita says that that house was hers and this is her folks house. Dhara says to leave this and have the food she arranged and say how it’s. Dhara takes care of Rishita. Kalyaani tells Kamini that they need to proceed to check in the kitchen before Dev and Rishita go there. That’s what she says assuming anything turns out badly, Janardan will chide her. They leave.

Krish comes to Rishita’s room and says that the food is exceptionally scrumptious and it would have been more delicious assuming it was eaten hot last evening. He asks Rishita from where Janardan have request it. Rishita asks what Krish is eating. Dhara says that he is eating extras food that was approached to eat by the workers. Rishita inquires as to whether her folks let them know this. Dhara says no. She says that extras were given to the poors and the workers are poor as well. Rishita says that this is off-base and goes to ask her mom.

In the interim Dev sees Shiva and Gautam having food. On seeing Dev Shiva and Gautam start their acting. Shiva says that the extras food is exceptionally delectable. Dev eats a nibble from their plate. He irately passes on to converse with Rishita. Kalyaani and Kamini comes to the kitchen. They ask Raavi what she’s doing. Raavi says that she is serving the previous evening extras which are delectable and in consumable condition. She inquires as to whether she can serve for them as well. Kamini says that extras are eaten by workers, not chief.

Rishita hears this and inquires as to whether the workers aren’t people. Rishita contends with Kamini and Kalyaani for giving Pandyas extras. Shiva and Gautam come there. Shiva expresses gratitude toward Rishita and says that despite the fact that it’s extras, he’s stomach is full. Rishita asks a lot more times they will affront her before her loved ones. Kamini says that she didn’t advise them to have extras. Gautam says that Kamini said that the workers ought to complete the extras, perhaps she failed to remember that they’re the workers.

Dev comes there furiously and contends with Rishita for taking care of them extras. Rishita apologizes to Dev. Dev asks Kalyaani for what good reason Shiva and Gautam ate extras. Dhara says that they all had it which shocks Dev. Rishita says that her family offended her before her parents in law. Dev says that he ought to be embarrassed to remain here. Dhara gets glad that their theatrics meaningfully affects Dev and Rishita. Dev needs to arrange new nourishment for the Pandyas.

Dhara guarantees Dev that they won’t extras henceforth and tells Dev to take Rishita to her room. Dev and Rishita leaves. Kamini asks Dhara what they believe should do by doing this. They helped them, yet they’re being careless. Dhara says that they aren’t fool, they comprehended that the previous evening party is to affront them. Kamini says that they will probably return Dev and Rishita to Pandya house.

Raavi says that they won’t take them effectively.
however, they will return without anyone else. Opposite side Janardan cautions Gautam to not put any demonstration if front of Dev and Rishita once more. Gautam and Shiva say that they’re certain that Janardan touched off fire in their store. Here Dhara says that they can’t affront them by requesting that they do family works. Raavi says that they do it everyday in their home and encourages them to do it also to be fit.

Dhara shares with Raavi that biased individuals will not comprehend this and says that she will open them to Dev and Rishita. Dhara demands Kamini to not fire them. Here Gautam shares with Janardan it’s the ideal opportunity for him to end up being distraught before Dev and Rishita. Janardan says that he will fire them right away. Shiva says that they haven’t come here by Janardan’s desire. Raavi inquires as to whether she shouldn’t have uncover their arrangement to them, in the event that they will eliminate them from work. Dhara inquires as to whether she began to adore her work.

Raavi says that she feels awful for Rishita. Dhara says that she’s now blameworthy and shares with not increment it. She simply needs to bring Dev and Rishita back home. She says that Suman will be fine assuming Dev and Rishita return and adds that she can hardly stand by to let Suman know that they got effective in their main goal’s initial step. Gautam shares with Janardan that he can’t fire them. He needed to break their family, they will remain here as it were. Shiva says that they will take Dev and Rishita bcak to their home before Janardan.

Precap: Kamini consumes her hand deliberately on putting it in the hot iron box and faults Dhara.

Also read: Pandya Store 26th May 2022 Written Update

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