Pandya Store 26th May 2022 Written Update:

Pandya Store 26th May 2022 Written Update on

The episode begins with Dev and Rishita being on the way in the vehicle. Dev tells Rishita that he needs to meet Suman. As Rishita additionally needs something similar, she tells the driver to take them to Pandyas Nivas first. Shiva says that Janardan advised him to carry them to the seths. Dev expresses him to do everything that they have said.

Shiva feels that he can’t sorry as Dhara told that they need to bring them back home for all time, not so much for transitory. Other hand in the party Janardan tells Gautam to organize the visitors footwear in the shoe cabinet. Gautam obliges. Dhara feels terrible on seeing this. Janardan then shares with Dhara to serve the tea and afterward Raavi to clean the table. They oblige

In the vehicle Rishita and Dev fall rest. Janardan purposefully drops the juice on the floor and says to clean it. Gautam hears the vehicle horn sound and concurs. Dev and Rishita chide the driver for carrying them to the Seths as opposed to taking to the Pandyas. They choose to go there in the wake of getting new up. Gautam cleans the juice spilled on the floor. Dev and Rishita comes in and gets stunned on seeing this.

Krish says that Dev and Rishita have come. Gautam feels that Janardan gave him this in right time. Gautam sets up a demonstration. He holds Janardan’s leg and beseeches him to not eliminate from the gig. Dev makes Gautam stand up. Dev and Rishita question Janardan what’s going on, why Gautam is in staff’s uniform. Dev asks Gautam to reply and requests what reason his uniform to destroyed. Gautam says that Janardan gavs him work, he is the gardner. Janardan advised him to come in the uniform.

Dev shares with Gautam to put on something else, he doesn’t have to accomplish this work. Dhara and Raavi come taking juice and snacks for Rishita and Dev. Rishita and Dev look on stunned. Dhara expresses them to eat something as they probably drained due the long travel. Dev and Rishita toss the tidbits and juice. Raavi and Dhara clean it. Dev stops them and says they will not accomplish this work. He asks where the staffs of the house. Gautam says that Janardan eliminated every one of the staffs to designate them.

Dev sees Shiva in driver uniform and asks how he consented to function here and inquires as to why he didn’t stop Gautam and Dhara. Gautam says that they need cash, so they’re working. Dev says that he will give them cash. Gautam says that nobody was prepared to give them work, yet Janardan gave. He says that their father instructed as that there’s no any little or huge work. Dev says that he recollects their father’s all instructing, yet their mother doesn’t realize that they’re working here. Gautam says that she’s mindful.

Dev won’t accept and chooses to converse with Suman to know how she permitted them to do this. Gautam lies that Suman was tired of the relative multitude of issues and has gone for an outing and doesn’t have the foggiest idea when she will return. Gautam says that regardless of whether Dev like it he will keep on working here. Rishita yells at Janardan. Dhara says that Janardan isn’t to blame. Rishita says that he is, however Dhara is additionally to blame. She says that they can’t cause them to take care of business and nor let others affront them. She inquires as to why they picked her home to work.

Dhara says that no other family would choose them entire family and furthermore in the event that they work here, Rishita will be before their eyes and they can deal with Rishita too. Dhara adds that they likewise need cash. Dev attempts to talk, however Dhara stops him by giving his youngster’s swear. Dhara demands Dev to not prevent them from working here.

Dev says that it doesn’t matter at all to them how they would feel seeing them functioning here. Dev says that they will not pay attention to them and leaves followed by Rishita. Gautam says to all get back on the work. Shiva murmurs to Gautam that Janardan is falling in their snare. Gautam expresses that on seeing Dev miserable that he is sure that they can bring them back home.

Dhara takes care of Suman and says that Rishita angrier than Dev on seeing them working. She says that their fate is to approach and expresses Suman to continue to rehearse with the ball. Suman holds Dhara’s hair. Dhara gets cheerful and gets down on the family and lets them know something very similar. Family gets glad that Suman’s wellbeing is getting to the next level.

The following day Kamini tells Janardan that Pandyas set up a demonstration to bring Dev and Rishita back home. Janardan concurs. He says that they have shouldn’t allow that to occur. Kalyaani says that she did an error. She requested that they eat the extras. Other hand Dhara and Raavi take the extras food from the cooler to eat.

Precap: Kamini requests that Dhara iron the garments. Kamini puts her hand on the iron box deliberately and yells. Dev and Rishita come there. Kamini blames Dhara for deliberately consuming her hand with the iron box.

Also read: Pandya Store 25th May 2022 Written Update

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