Suman comes to Mania outside the house and does her aarti as her little girl in-law. Craziness looks on. All relatives come to invite her. Lunacy is going to go into the house yet Ranisa stops her. Maaji requests that they pause, Paras has brought his significant other interestingly so we will gift her something.
She offers costly adornments set to her. Dinesh murmurs to Suman what’s going on with she? Nima is bringing desserts there. Suresh is with her too. Maaji continues to make her wear the gems. Paras requests that she stop her. Maaji says I figured she would need more. Insanity cries. Maaji asks Mania what was her justification behind wedding Paras with the exception of cash? She asks Mania what’s her worth? I will give you the cash you need.
Suresh and Nima come there to see Mania remaining with Paras. Nima is staggered. Maaji asks Mania what might she take to leave Paras? Paras requests that Ranisa stop her. Maaji says this is my matter, Paras requests that Maaji quit offending Mania, you individuals have modest reasoning. He holds Mania’s hand and says we are one, we are hitched so acknowledge us as one or fail to remember me. Craziness says I would have rather not harmed anybody, everything happened out of nowhere.
Also read: Nima Denzongpa 28th December 2021 Written Update:
Dinesh says shut up, I realize you are not guiltless, you attracted our child with your displaying. You gave the gold arm band back to Paras since you needed to accomplish something greater. Paras says stop it. Maaji says discard this junk young lady and go into our home then, at that point. Suresh attempts to go to Mania yet Nima stops him, she says I don’t have a clue what is happening. I didn’t realize Paras and Mania knew one another.
How is it that she could make such a stride? We can’t go there right now as it will make more challenges for Mania. I will converse with her and Suman later on. Maaji lets Paras know that you can return the house assuming you leave this young lady or you can take off from this house with her. Then, at that point, fail to remember your luxurious life here. Paras looks on. Ranisa snickers. Maaji says this young lady wouldn’t need you to become poor since she is later your cash. Paras leaves Mania’s hand. All look on. Paras goes into the house alone, he appeals to Lord.
Nari is calling Mania yet she isn’t getting. Sunita is calling her companion and says these young ladies avoid the house till late. Nari requests that she quit sassing them. Sunita requests that she let her be.
Paras contacts Maaji’s feet, she says you took the best choice. Paras takes his family’s favors. Dinesh says I realized he wouldn’t break my trust. Paras contacts Suman’s feet. He embraces Babita. Madness is harmed reasoning he left her. He begins leaving the spot yet Paras stops her. He holds her hand and tells Maaji that I came here for your affection and acknowledgment and not cash.
I’m paying attention to my heart interestingly. He begins leaving with Mania. Suman stops him and says where will you go? She requests that Mania stop him. Lunacy says I am grieved, she removes all the gems and gives it to Suman. Suman reviews how she had saved Nima’s girls years prior. Craziness gives her bangles back as well. Paras and Mania leave. Nima cries seeing that. Ranisa lets Maaji know that your arrangement fizzled. Maaji exhaust out of resentment.