Nima, Mania and Nari are designing the house for Sunita. Insanity has a stomach hurt so Nima says we will go to the specialist. Lunacy cries in torment.
Kanchan calls Mayank and asks what do you need? You are working in Shiv’s office now? Mayank says you did a mix-up so you need to redress it. Do you recollect our days of yore right dear?
Sunita and Suresh return home. All visitors are sitting tight for her with gifts. Sunita says Suresh you called them all? Suresh says I didn’t. The visitor says Nima brought us all over early lunch for your birthday. Sunita says Nima ponders me a ton. Tulika observes all that and says I arranged this.
Nima and Mania are at the center. The specialist says Mania has corrosiveness, we will do her blood tests. Suresh calls Nima and asks where could she be? Nima says Mania was not feeling good so I carried her to the specialist. Suresh says I will come there. Nima says there is no need, you simply deal with Sunita.
Paras is sitting with his family over supper. Ranisa says Suman is as yet not eating a lot. Maaji expresses a great deal of things are occurring so I figure you ought to return so we can deal with things. Paras isn’t getting hitched so you are not required here. Ranisa says Paras is now hitched, will you bring her better half here or toss Paras out of the house? You don’t have a response so I am here to make things right. I won’t leave without any problem. All look on. Maaji exhaust out of resentment.
Also read: Nima Denzongpa 10th January 2022 Written Update:
Sunita gets gifts from her visitors. The visitors ask where could Nima be? We really want to eat something. Suresh says I will bring something. He goes to the shop. Nima calls him and inquires as to whether he can move some cash, she really wants it for Mania’s blood tests. Suresh says I will move it.
Sunita and her visitors are trusting that Suresh will come. Suresh comes there, Sunita asks where could food be? They are on the whole ravenous. Suresh says I sent cash for Mania, I will check in the event that Nima has kept some cash in the house. The visitors say we are not vs, we thought to have a decent early lunch. Sunita requests that they pause, Suresh will bring something. Suresh goes to check yet doesn’t find cash where Nima keeps it.
The visitors affront Sunita saying that her both girl parents in law couldn’t care less with regards to her, they remove their gifts. Sunita feels hurt and cries. Tulika observes all that. Suresh says where did the cash go? Nima and Mania return home. Sunita frowns at Nima and says I did a mix-up by confiding in certain individuals.
Tulika hears that and says now she won’t extra Nima. Sunita tells Nima that I was offended today yet I won’t allow it to happen any longer. Suresh requests that she quiet down. He inquires as to whether she called her companions? Nima says no, I simply needed to astound Ayi, for what reason would I call her companions when we don’t have cash.
Nari requests that Nima tell who her companions are. Nima says I don’t have the foggiest idea. Nari shows Nima’s telephone to Sunita and says she doesn’t have your companions’ number so it implies another person got it done. Suresh says the cash is gone as well, who might make it happen? Sunita says I realize who is behind it. She removes the drapery from the divider and Tulika is remaining on the opposite side, keeping an eye on them.
Mayank sits among Sia and Shiv. He says I got this seat so Sia can help me. Sia says I will help you. Shiv says you needn’t bother with her assistance, I will help you. Sia reviews Kanchan’s words to avoid Shiv. She tells Mayank that I will help you assuming you want it. Shiv looks on.
Sunita lets Tulika know that you can’t trick me, I realize you called my companions to affront me. Tulika expresses what are you discussing? I didn’t recollect it was your birthday today. Sunita says quit lying, I realize how low you can stoop. You needed me to detest Nima however I know you, you have stooped all the more low in my eyes. Sunita hauls Tulika outside the house, she lets everybody know that today is my 70th birthday celebration.
I’m as yet sound and I have my eyes opened today. She says this my Tulika, we were solid together on the grounds that I thought she was my own. She says my companions are voracious, they used to meet me for food as it were. They didn’t ask me how I am, they generally focused on food. You needed to giggle at me however you individuals have little hearts so I would chuckle at you. She cries, Tulika attempts to converse with her however Nima requests that she shut up and takes Sunita from that point.