Molkki 27th October 2021 Written Update:

Purvi says this kid will be yours and Mukhi ji’s only but I will give birth to this kid. Sakshi is shocked. Sakshi asks her what the need for this is. Why is surrogacy needed when I have given birth to kids in the past too? Purvi nods. You did that when I wasn’t a part of Mukhi ji’s life. Now I am a part of his life.

I too have the same place that you once had. As his wife, it is my duty to raise his family. Sakshi asks her why she has to give birth to the baby when she is capable of doing it herself. Purvi says it is to save our relation and to save Manas. You had once told me that it can affect my relation with Mukhi ji if you and Mukhi ji come close again because of this baby. I am only following what you had advised.

I want to be a surrogate mother for that reason only. I have checked with doc too. He has agreed that my age and body is perfect for this. Please let me do this. Virender seconds Purvi. What should we do? Purvi says doc has asked us to meet him before anything. He will guide us then. Virender agrees to go tomorrow morning. We don’t have time. Virender heads towards the door. Sakshi and Purvi stare at each other. Virender looks at them and asks Bawri to come with him. She goes with him.

Also read; Molkki 26th-Oct-2021 Written Update:

Virender praise Purvi on her idea. I am in a dilemma otherwise. You don’t know what I was going through. I was in a fix because of Manas’s life, our relation and Sakshi. she asks him if he chose Sakshi out of all that. Couldn’t you wait for my answer? Virender says it isn’t so. She begins to walk away when he holds her hand. I went to Sakshi’s room to tell her that I wont do anything without your permission.

You are misunderstanding me. Purvi says I saw you two together. Stop giving me these explanations. He makes her look him in the eye. Do you really think I am that kind of a person? Sakshi was trying to force me but I wasn’t ready. She was sure you will say yes. I wouldn’t have done anything without hearing your decision. How would I be so happy if I had agreed with your decision the very next second? I can swear on the kids if you still don’t believe me. She tells him it isn’t needed. I know how much you love me. He smiles and hugs her.

Doc has done Purvi’s tests. She is absolutely fit and healthy to give birth to the kid. Sakshi smiles. Purvi asks doc when they will start the process. Doc explains the steps to them. Purvi will be pregnant after 14 days if everything goes well. Please read the docs. She goes out. Virender says I cannot believe that Bawri will give birth to our kid who will help Manas. Purvi says it will be your and Sakshi ji’s kid. Virender nods. The process of how things will turn out is very good though. Sakshi says I am content with it too. Purvi’s decision is right.

Prakashi and Anjali ask Sakshi if she will use a Molkki’s womb to give birth to her baby. Anjali asks her if she even knows what she is going to do. Your baby will stay in Molkki’s womb for 9 months and she will take revenge for you for 7 births yet you will be quiet? Sakshi tells them to be quiet. I know what Purvi is doing is right. She has saved me and Mukhi ji. I will be indebted to her for forever.

I am not like you two who will fall in such traps. Stop instigating me against Purvi and leave. Prakashi calls her dumb. You gave Molkki your husband and kids. Give her everything else as well. You will realize the true meaning behind our words then. They see Purvi at the door while leaving. Sakshi smiles. It is good that I saw Purvi at the door earlier. It is Purvi who is foolish as she doesn’t know that I have come up with a plan to snatch everything from her already. I will win eventually.

The IVF process starts. Doc tells Purvi to take very good care of Sakshi for the next 14 days. We will then put her eggs in your womb and start the process. Purvi assures her about it.

Purvi and Virender take good care of Sakshi for the next 14 days. They visit the hospital again on the 14th day. Doc tells Purvi and Virender that Sakshi is fine. We have removed her eggs successfully. We will fertile them with Virender’s sperms and then we will plant them in Purvi’s womb. Sakshi and Virender’s baby will be born in Purvi’s womb then. Purvi and Virender look relieved and happy. Virender hugs Purvi.

At night, Virender tells Purvi she does not know what she has done for him. They fold hands in reverence in front of Kanha ji’s idol. He holds her as she trips because of the carpet. They share an eye lock. Virender asks her what she is doing. She is going to be pregnant soon. Pregnant women have to be very careful. She points out that that will happen tomorrow. You are here to look after me.

Why should I worry? He tells her that he will feed her well and take good care of herself after tomorrow. I wont even let you walk or keep you your feet on the ground. He lifts her in his arms. She asks him to put her down but he shakes his head sweetly. She hugs him. Sakshi watches them thus and looks miffed.

She does not show it on her face when Purvi notices her. Virender puts her down. Sakshi says I have kept a puja at home before we will visit hospital. All preps have been made. You should come on time. Virender compliments her on the idea. It is good to seek God’s blessings before doing anything auspicious. Purvi nods.

Next morning, Sakshi brings Purvi downstairs. Virender smiles looking at her. everyone else is already there. Virender tells Purvi she is looking like old Mukhiyayin in these clothes. She reminds him that she I Choti Mukhiyayin. I thought to return to the old style as I am back in your life. He smiles. Old days are back now?

She nods. Old days and your old wife is back. Sakshi asks Purvi tomorrow for the puja. Purvi and Virender are about to sit when Sakshi tells him that only Purvi can sit here. He sits behind. Sakshi gives a coconut to Purvi to keep in her lap till the end of the puja. You cannot give it to anyone till then. Purvi accepts it. Sakshi smirks.

Flashback shows Sakshi breaking few coconuts in her room. She smile looking at one coconut and empties it from inside. She places a small bomb inside and decorates it properly. You might be thinking that you have won but the game has just begun. I wont make you wait for 9 months though. I will make such a blast today that neither you nor your womb will be able to give birth. Flashback ends.

Sakshi sits next to Virender. Pundit ji tells Purvi that this coconut is a blessing for her and for her baby. Sakshi smiles. This coconut will end up ruining things in a way that you wont be able to ever become a mom!

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