Mere Sai Written Update 26th September 2022:

Mere Sai Written Update 26th September 2022 on

Ramkrishna tells Satyeshwar, I’m sorry my child. I have fouled up to you and I need to fix up. Prema asks Satyeshwar who is he. Satyeshwar says my companions father, his child was with us in guruji’s ashram.

Satyeshwar shares with Sai, great you got him here, presently my lovers will perceive the way guardians are harmful as well and his child continued to attempt yet all he showed was disdain and he likewise removed his child from his home and town and presently he maintains that his child should care for him in his advanced age now all of you tell me, might a child at any point be unfortunate. Ramkrishna in tears leaving.

Sai says stop don’t leave without communicating your sentiments. Ramkrishna shares with Satyeshwar, you are correct I was off-base and I don’t believe my child should take care of me yet simply need to apologize and let him know I was off-base and embarrassed about what I did. Satyeshwar says this is only a demonstration. Sai says even God pardons why can’t people and this is Prem Sena and they ought to show humankind and regardless of whether in confidential let him meet his child and afterward father and child take a choice.

Satyeshwar says its past the point of no return remove him. Ramkrishna falls and starts crying. Sai says for what reason didn’t you tell every bit of relevant information. Ramkrishna says my child would rather not remember me how will I respond and its my shortcoming I constrained him to this state. Sai says tolerance and confidence and like God assisted you, he with willing assistance your child as well.

Dai asks other Prem Sainik’s do all of you additionally accept your folks are off-base in needing to accompany their loved ones. Keval strolls to his folks, Satyeshwar says to leave go on however we have a few principles, this Prem Sena is just for genuine enthusiasts and when you leave us you will have returned to destitution, soon your folks will bite the dust and you will be abandoned with culpability of not ready to do anything for your folks, so reconsider before you make a stride.

Keval ventures back and joins Prem Sena, his folks begin crying and express return child. Sai shares with everybody, your family will continue to hang tight for you generally and leaves. Ankur’s child beseeches him to rebound. Sai shares with him, your dad is set up where he perceives nobody, gives up.

Satyeshwar contemplating his dad and is in tears. Prema strolls to Satyeshwar and lets him know comissioner’s companion has the delicate and soon Kulkarni and Balvant will view that as.

Kulkarni lets Balvant know that he has fizzled, Satyeshwar gave delicate to another person. Balvant flies off the handle and says now Satyeshwar will go to jail. Prema tells Satyeshwar that Balvant will make issues for us. Balvant strolls in with assessor. Overseer tells Satyeshwar that Balvant has verifications that you have killed your master.

Satyeshwar says Balvant is simply making up things. Balvant says don’t stress I have confirmations. Examiner says Jagdish Kumar had seen you kill your master. Satyeshwar says Guruji pick me and Jagdish was desirous and Balvant needed delicate and I didn’t help him since his plant wasn’t skilled, thus he is getting payback.

Balvant says I realized Satyeshwar will express something like this, so I have come arranged. St Nick Banta bring Jagadish inside. Bakvant requests that Jagdish determine what he had seen. Jagdish says I saw nothing. Satyeshwar grins. Overseer inquires as to for what reason did you compose report.

Jagdish says Satyeshwar is correct I was desirous thus I held up off-base report yet I needed to take it back, yet different enthusiasts undermined me thus I took off and afterward Balvant and his men compromised me. Balvant says you are liar and assaults him. Overseer requests that Balvant stop. Balvant says he is a liar. Investigator says we can’t confide in Jagdish any longer and Satyeshwar never made any disturbance, so it seems to be an individual resentment.
Reviewer leaves.

Pre cap: Satyeshwar advises Prema to let Prem Sainik know that we are leaving for Nashik Ashram. St Nick Banta illuminate Kulkarni about it, Kulkarni says let me perceive how Sai will stop them now. Sai meets Satyeshwar and Prem Sainik and tells Satyeshwar, somebody is here to see you.

Also read: Mere Sai Written Update 23rd September 2022

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