Mere Sai 17th January 2022 Written Update:

Das Ganu begins preparing of Gayatri. Sai watches them accordingly. Das Ganu holds out a Gyaneshwari. Gayatri gets some information about it. Das Ganu clarifies that it is so vital to peruse sacred texts like this.

You will figure out how to discussion and think of rationales. This book will give you the information that you would should be a decent artist and a decent person. This is the motivation behind why I picked this book. He begins the example.

Supaan chooses to illuminate lucky man’s family before they travel the entire way here. They would feel awful. He ventures out however sees husband to be’s family coming. He asks them why they are early. Mahurat is of evening. Husband to be’s dad gestures. Our intellectual ji has moved it to early daytime refering to that it is a propitious time for the service.

Kindly call the lady of the hour. Supaan gets strained. Husband to be’s folks defy Supaan about Gayatri. We determined from somebody that your girl is absent since yesterday. They sass Gayatri and say that they will caution each family not to make attaches with your family. Lucky man’s dad tells Supaan not to swindle somebody like this once more.

Push your girl in a well regardless of whether you find her once more! He leaves with his family. Supaan’s family members regret that Gayatri has caused them disgrace. Ajji ponders who might have informed Rao ji about Gayatri’s vanishing.

Sarkar giggles at his home. It was I who had released that information to Supaan. He will overflow with outrage at Sai now. Fakir wont have the option to get away from this time!

Supaan separates. It’s finished. Little girls are the pride of the family while my little girl has turned into the justification behind my affront.

Sai says individuals are accusing it when she is way gifted. The ability will sparkle soon and she will most likely be compensated a prize then, at that point. Om Sai plays.

Mere Sai 14th January 2022 Written Update:

Chandu advises Supaan to be solid. Sai says that issues figure out eventually. We should confront what’s in our destiny. Supaan says I wouldn’t fret dealing with issues however one will undoubtedly break assuming that the issues are brought by somebody who you deal with like a God. Gayatri dint do anything wrong till the time she was with her Ajji in Bombay.

She changed the moment she met Sai and surprisingly figured out how to escape the house! Chandu lets him know he can’t consider the good and bad to be he is in torment yet Supaan conflicts. Presently even I feel that Sarkar was correct with regards to Sai.

Chandu faults him all things being equal. You fouled up by fixing the marriage of your little girl who is just 12 years of age. She fled on the grounds that she was wounded by your choice. It is you who is to blame! Supaan advises him to leave. Chandu says I am going however I will implore that you comprehend the purpose for Sai’s choice. He leaves.

Das Ganu closes the example as the sun is going to set. She demands him to keep educating her. I will study in the light of diya as well. I would rather not stop as I got this possibility after such a lot of trouble. Das Ganu grins. The obligation of instructor increments when the understudy is so devoted. How about we transform the diya into sun now. They concentrate inside. Sai grins pleasantly as He cooks for them.
Das Ganu checks out Sai. I’m not sure why you are doing this and in this symbol. Sai expresses let things be the manner by which they are.

Rao ji comes to a young lady’s home yet the dad of the young lady inquires as to whether he had fixed his child’s collusion was fixed elsewhere. Rao ji concurs. However, the young lady absconded. The young lady’s dad won’t get connection together with them as they concealed reality with regards to his child’s marriage being fixed with Gayatri before. Imagine a scenario where you are misleading ensure yourself. He sends them away.

Gayatri takes a gander at Sai’s sketch. I’m ready to learn things and develop. I feel as though you are watching me from any place you are. Madhusudhan Dada is by all accounts such a lot of like you on occasion. She rests subsequent to keeping the sketch close to her cushion. Sai and Das Ganu look on. Das Ganu folds his hands. Sai favors him. Slam ji Bala Karein!

Next morning, Uma serves breakfast to her child. Supaan is perched on the bed unfortunately. Ajji strolls in and gripes that Gayatri has carried disgrace to their family. It has become so embarrassing to get out of the house. Uma says Gayatri may have committed an error by fleeing however she wont do anything wrong. One of her children inquires as to whether Gayatri will return.

Gayatri is partaking in her meeting.

Supaan pours a container brimming with water on himself outside his home. He lets his child know that Gayatri won’t ever return. She is dead for us! I have played out the rituals as of now. St Nick looks on.

Sai feels awful and checks out Gayatri. Gayatri lets Das Ganu know that she has composed another sonnet. Will you read it? He requests that she read it herself. You will disclose to me and to Madhusudhan ji as well. Gayatri feels reluctant.

I have never perused a sonnet before an extraordinary writer like you. I have just perused it to my Aayi and before Sai and scarcely any children once. I wont have the option to talk before you. Sai says you talk straightforwardly before everybody constantly.

You need to become like Sarojini Naidu then you should not stop for a second. This is significant for your future. Gayatri says I am concerned that you may pass judgment on me. Sai says let me acquaint you with some crowd who will just hear and acclaim you. They wont judge you. He plays woodwind. Every one of the birds and creatures come there.

Gayatri gets strained when she detects a snake however Das Ganu gestures at her reassuringly. He watches Sai entranced. Sai grins as He wakes up. They are notable audience members. They don’t condemn.

They just expertise to appreciate. They have liked my woodwind with their heart till date. I’m certain they will do likewise for you today. You can begin. Gayatri portrays the sonnet. Sai imagines that it is the ideal opportunity so that the world might see her ability. Just one final obstacle is left.

Precap :Gayatri has gotten back to Shirdi. Sarkar incites Supaan against Sai again and inquires as to whether she actually has a comment. Gayatri sees Sai and feels alleviated.

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