Meet 29th November 2022 Written Update:

Meet 29th November 2022 Written Update on

Episode begins with Meet shaking the dustbin and escaping the dustbin. Meet energizes Meet Ahlawat that she confides in him that he can save her. Meet Ahlawat hearing Get’s voice gets together on his feet and sees that there is a tap close by and goes to it.

Meet Ahlawat opens the tap. The water streams out of it. Meet Ahlawat gets a line and joins the line to the tap. Meet Ahlawat brings the line and showers water on the fire. Meet Ahlawat saves Meet utilizing it. Meet emerges from the fire and embraces Meet Ahlawat.

Laila praises her triumph over Meet and hangs tight for the uplifting news that Meet is dead. Laila says she will go about as Neelam infront of the relatives. Laila hangs tight for the news.

Meet tells the Ahlawat family that Neelam has no parted behavioral condition. Meet shows the CCTV film in which Laila attempts to kill Meet and she likewise concedes that Laila is Neelam as well as the other way around. Laila figures the reason why didn’t the news come till now and believes on the off chance that Meet got away from her assault this time. Laila says on the off chance that she got away from this time she will give an excruciating passing to Meet.

Raj asks Meet for what good reason didn’t she let anybody know if she was doing this. Babita says she is exhausted and will call the police. Meet stops Babita and reminds Babita that main Neelam knows the name of the toxic substance. Ragini gets some information about keeping Neelam here and helps the risk to remember Neelam.

Neelam comes and sees that Meet is alive. Laila contemplates how met got away from the fire. Meet sees Neelam and clues to everybody that they need to act ordinary. The Ahlawat family gets it and everybody goes about as though they are discussing Meet Ahlawat. Laila leaves from that point. Raj seeing this requests that Meet take Meet Ahlawat to their room.

Meet aides Meet Ahlawat to sit on the bed. Meet Ahlawat asks Meet for what valid reason is she giving her a wipe shower once more. Meet reminds Meet Ahlawat that she embraced him subsequent to emerging from the dustbin. Meet Ahlawat prods Meet. Meet likewise plays with Meet Ahlawat and gives him a wipe shower.

Meet Ahlawat sentiments with Meet utilizing this opportunity. Meet Ahlawat feels discombobulated. Meet asks Meet Ahlawat what was the deal? Meet Ahlawat says he felt like he lost her briefly. Meet says she will continuously accompany him. Meet makes it lights-out time for Meet Ahlawat.

Meet gets a call from his source Balveer. Meet inquires as to whether he tracked down any data. Balveer says the name of the person in the sketch is Nirmal. Met inquires as to whether he knows his location.

Balveer says he doesn’t have the foggiest idea about that and says Nirmal is an enthusiast of Hanuman Ji and says he will come to the sanctuary each Saturday. Balveer says today is Saturday and guarantees Meet that Nirmal will come today to the sanctuary. Meet says thanks to Balveer.

Meet camouflages herself as a spiritualist out and about side. Nirmal comes to the sanctuary in an auto. Meet sees a person covering his face with a scarf and thinks it is Nirmal. Meet draws in Nirmal saying she will let him know his fortune for nothing and requests that he search in the oil. Nirmal removes the scarf and finds in the oil to know his fortune.

Also read: Meet 28th November 2022 Written Update

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