Meet 28th October 2021 Written Update:

Babita sleeping Raj come and calls her says good morning and wish her happy karwa chauth. Babita says uts my karwa chauth and your are excited for that, I have to do arrangements for karwa chauth. Raj says you no need to do any arrangements Ragini has done everything you have to vome out and give sargi to your daughter in law.

Babita wakes up and says who I have to give sargi older one who’s husband left ir the younger one which you brought, my son dosent like her, I cannot do any formalities I will not give sargi to anyone. Raj says I thought your thoughts are changing for Meet. Babita says no and I give her permission because of my son, I gave her chance for 6 months to be ideal bride for me and my son.

Raj says when you spend time with someone you start liking them and during old days before marriage man and woman don’t know eachother but after spending time you start having feelings for them and god knows because of these rituals our older son vome back. Babita says I still have hope that my son Tej will come back afterall I’m his mother, sometimes I think that he is no more.

Ragini doing arrengement for sargi ritual. Raj ask Ragini yo bring every daughter in law. Ragini days is Babita ready to do because this ritual can only be done by mother in law. Raj says first call them. Ragini come with Sunaina and Meet. They both take blessings from Raj. Meet get excited for ritual says we don’t have any ritual at our home. Raj says we are in Chandigarh from so many years so we follow ritual of Chandigarh too.

Meet says but sargi ritual is been done by mother in law. Raj says yes to Meet, as you are two in one so I can also be like you and perform the ritual. They both take blessings. Raj says its difficult to have fast for karwa chauth if you want you can have and don’t do it. Meet and Sunaina says we will keep fast. Raj says there here is special sweet for you from Ragini, you know Meet Ahlawat also like this and it will give you energy for whole day. Meet says when chachi is sweet then why won’t her sweet be. Ragini bless them and offer them food. Raj says eat.

Meet 27th-Oct-2021 Written Episode Update:

Meet taking sargi to her room. Babita meet her on stairs and says if you have lifted sargi then follow your karwa chauth correctly with whole responsibility because this ritual is connected to my son and I don’t want my son to be harmed understood. Meet touches her feet. Babita give her blessings. Meet says I knew you will give me blessings don’t worry I’ll follow with gull responsibility.

Meet Ahlawat alarm rings and see Meet having food says people in morning go to gym or do physical activities and you are eating sweets. Meet says its not my problem chachi made it so yummy I cannot control myself. Meet Ahlawat says says eat it and stare at food. Meet mocks her sarcastically.

Meet Ahlawat says I don’t want to eat, says I want you to finish fast so that I don’t listen your chewing and get back to sleep. Meet says then I cannot help you I have to finish everything because I have to fast for karwachauth. Meet in shock says who ask you to do all this, don’t forget that I don’t love you this relation is just because of dad, for me its all drama stop it, you think if you got this room then you can access personal life, I never considered you as my wife you are a guest for me an unwanted guest who is not going out of my life and goes to take shower..Meet in tears

Manushi all dressed up and touches her feet. Kunal see her in shock and ask what are you doing. Manushi says I’m doing my responsibility of being a wife, give me blessings today I won’t anything to because is kept fast for your long life. Kunal in shock. Manushi ask what happen, you are not happy at all.

Kunal says I didn’t expected this I’m so happy I love you. Manushi thinks a person who brought diamond necklace yo just prapose me don’t know what he will gift me for fast. Kunal thinks today you are gone if she kept fast then you have to gift her says I have decided you will not keep fast for me whole day I have decided that I’ll feed you from my hand. Manushi stops him and says I kept this fast for you so nobody can break it. Kunal thinks I’ll tempt her a lot that she won’t be able to carry out her fast and break it mean no gift.

Masum doing makeup. Chavi come and says till when you will be mad on me, don’t you see what Meet did to me I have to jump yo save it, but you turned everything and I’m already on track to convince Meet Ahlawat. Masum says you how much he hate lie I’m scared that he will remove you from house. Chavi says please bo positive and you know I have kept fast for Meet Ahlawat, I promise I’ll not do anything to hurt you. Masum ask her to wait and says keep this box under Meet’s bed go fast. Masum says today will be her first and last Karwa chauth today.

Raj says to everyone that there is Karwachauth fair near our house. Hoshiyar come and says to Babita in our bill cookies are added and it has today’s date. Babita but I didn’t order any cookies then who did. Masum says who here might be who doesn’t care about Karwachauth or her husband’s long life, Hoshiyar says but everyone is fasting, Babita says except Meet call her here right away, Raj says why will she. Meet walks to Babita, Babita says I told you Meet take this fast seriously, this fast is no joke, that you buy cookies, Meet says I haven’t, I didn’t even have water, Raj says why will she lie, Masoom says lets check her room, Meet says okay come check. Duggu comes eating cookies and says I found it in Mummy’s room under the bed.

Chavi keeps cookies under Meet’s bed, Meet sees that, Chavi about to run, Meet stops her, Chavi says don’t hurt me, Meet says I won’t get what you hide under, Chavi brings cookies and says I don’t know more except that bhabhi asked me too, Meet says oh Masoom di was doing the ritual, Chavi asks what ritual, Meet says during Karva chauth, sister in law hides cookies from sister in law and in return we get whatever we want, Chavi says okay, Meet says did you do this ritual, Chavi says no, Meet says go do then and ask for whatever you want

Babita asks Masoom about cookies, Masoom says why my room, Duggu says I found it under our bed and its very yummy, Chavi comes and says bhabhi will give me what I want, Masoom says oh remember Duggu school asked for cookies and Hoshiyar ordered it, Hoshiyar says oh yes but I forgot, Raj says look Babita you without any reason doubted her and now you will take her to fare along with you, Babita says okay and asks Meet to follow her instructions and behave.

Precap :Esha gets teased by few men, Meet hits them. Babita calls Meet uncultured.Meet Ahlawat says to Meet he won’t break her fast.

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