Meet 27th January 2022 Written Update:

Raj says to Meet, Ravi is saying that you hit him. Address Ahlawat says to Meet no issue to stress I realize you attended a university you are called to tell that you headed off to college. Anubha strolls in says are all of you right I called you commonly to interface with you I saw you with stick at matka chowk.

Meet Ahlawat says you saw Meet with stick in auto. Anubha says OK I saw her couple of moments back that is the reason I called you yet I got to realize you are ignorant with regards to that so came here taking care of her. Babita ask Meet what is wrong. Meet Ahlawat says implies after father left you, you disappeared from school.

Meet says OK I had some significant work. Babita says it was your first day of school and still you disappeared. Masum says now who is intrigued to hear a bogus story. Raj chasten Masum. Meet says I received directive for help, first I disregarded however at that point I got again and there may be somebody who need my assistance so I went out feom school.

Babita says did you join helpline after your conveyance work. Meet says I’m not lying I have message as well. Raj says OK show them so everybody know truth and after that no one will ask her message. Babita says OK show message. Meet really look at her telephone yet couldn’t track down it. Ravi says I let you know she won’t acknowledge and tell lie. Meet says Ravi is let lie know when he returned home last time, today I’m seeing him.

Raj tells Ravi did you heard she said no it implies no and I trust her. Ravi says you are taking incorrectly stand and for what reason are you attempting to blur your name from society. Raj says she is my little girl. Ravi says assuming I need I might have gone to police yet you are taking her stad. Raj says in this condition I can take you to specialist not all the more then that. Ravi begin strolling. Meet thinks for what reason is he telling untruth.

Meet Ahlawat tells Ravi come I’ll take you to specialist. Ravi says no I didn’t came here for compassion yet no body is attempting to listen truth and to accomplish something ask you spouse yo say truth to you. Manushi shares with Anubha we ought to likewise leave. Anubha says OK and they leave. Meet leaves. Masum shares with Hoshiyar I think Ravi was right. Hosiyar says OK he right.

Masum says you recollect how she battled with Goons during Karwa Chauth and in Isha’s matter likewise she went alone, it’s her propensity to I saw her in fair. Hoshiyar says yet Meet said she didn’t hit him and I know at whatever point she hit somebody she acknowledge that. Masum gets out whatever do you mean she won’t lie.

Meet in her room applying wrap. Meet Ahlawat strolls to her and help. Meet says i’m not sure who assaulted Ravi and for what reason is he taking my name. Meet Ahlawat says no one is here with the exception of we both so let me know truth. Meet says you figure I did. Meet Ahlawat says OK.

Meet 26th January 2022 Written Update:

Ravi warmly greeting Manushi and says I did what you said yet I don’t think so they will accept another person other then anybody from outside house.

Meet Ahlawat it’s with regards to Anubha likewise she saw you running with stick. Meet says I’m not denying I was with stick since I received directive for assist I with thinking so somebody is attempting to outline me.

Manushi shares with Ravi she isn’t telling and to demonstrate that she is correct she don’t have any proof, I send Anubha from Shahbadh to Chandigarh and I requested that Ram Lakhan send them to school.

Meet says to Meet Ahlawat fail to remember everybody except you ought to trust me. Meet Ahlawat says you did this prior to hitting individuals didn’t you. Meet says you figure I did this. Meet Ahlawat says attempt to comprehend circumstance for Isha’s situation additionally things occur, at some point human misfortunes temper to help his friends and family and you may have assaulted him for Sunaina so attempt yo comprehend his perspective, he was hitched to Sunaina.

Ravi says I can take something else for Sunaina to bring her back yet this time I can go to any condition yet what feelings of resentment you have with your sister what you will get. Manushi says I’ll get Meet Ahlawat and it will make misconception between them, as far she will be from him my possibilities will develop.

Meet says I thought we turned out to be close so you know me. Meet says I realize you that is the reason I figure you can do this, you cross breaking point to help individuals, you got affirmation in school so you can make name for you however to do this then, at that point, if it’s not too much trouble, leave school.

Meet in garden recollect what Meet Ahlawat shared with her in space for assaulting Ravi. Meet says Meet Ahlawat tune in from mother that she saw me going with stick then, at that point, Ram Lakhan additionally saw me going out that is the reason he thinks Ravi is correct yet entire truth is I received directive for help however i’m not sure what all disarray is this, I want to discover.

Babita come out and says to Meet Ravi is spot on strolls to her getting into mischief with Raj was off-base however how you managed Ravi is just correct. Meet says attending a university is one of the enormous satisfaction for me, I won’t pass on school to assault somebody.

Babita gets out whatever are you attempting to say that your Mom and your companion are lying and you are right, you said you received directive for assist with doing you have any demonstrate it doesn’t matter at all to you how individuals are impacted in light of your means my child didn’t had food and you realize how cheerful he was nevertheless you esteem nothing, you simply need to be large and can’t see anything even your significant other and leaves.

Meet Ahlawat in his room taking care of business. Meet strolls in and see plate with food, she strolls to cabinet and take out garments and continue to dress table. Meet Ahlawat expresses out loud whatever are you doing they are ment to be kept in pantry. Meet says for what reason would I be able to keep anything anyplace when you can be irate on something different so I’ll likewise do. Get Ahlawat get’s together and says stop it. Meet says when you are irate on me why are you appearing on food. Meet says I’m not irate on anybody.

Meet says you imagine that your mother father or anybody will eat food, you can show outrage to me however for what reason are you rebuffing everybody, you realize how much everybody loves you, they become miserable assuming you are dismal. Meet Ahlawat ask did you eat food. Meet says no. He gets the plate for herself and says you must ought to likewise eat food like me and he sit to eat food subsequent to seeing him she additionally eat. Meet figure’s you can’t see yet I realize somebody arranged this against me and I want to discover who is that individual.

Masum, Raj and Babita in corridor. Masum shares with Raj I’m aslo frightened for yourself and I figure you will get in issue in taking represent Meet and Sunaina. Raj says I know what you mean to say, on the off potential for success that I take have for any other person, they two will you actually stop me, I have fath in everybody and I accept that they wont let me down.

Jaydeep at entryway says assuming she is your little girl in law this mean you will cover everything, strolls to them and says Sunaina wont tell me everything except I thought all of you will tell me, I have many inquiries yet I’m not here to discuss that I’m here to figure out things, your girl in law Meet need to apologize to Ravi before everybody. Raj says she will not apologize to anybody, she isn’t engaged with anything happen to Ravi she said it and when she said then I have full confidence in her and you likewise realize anything that you see from your eyes isn’t correct.

Jaydeep says attempt to comprehend we can complete this theme here itself. Raj says this won’t sort things yet she did nothing that is the reason she will not apologize. Meet Ahlawat feom behind says she will apologize.

Meet on telephone attempting to connect someoneMeet Ahlawat strolls to them and shares with Jaydeep don’t stress she will apologize to Ravi infront of everyone.Meet says available to work I received a message from some obscure number yet every one of the messages got erased. Men from opposite side ask do you recall number. Meet says I recall you simply follow it and tell me and she send the number. I’ll not extra him.

Precap :Babita says to Meet you need to go with us in public venue to apologize Ravi.Meet in market not many individuals grab her.Community individuals says we have concluded that you girl in law has slight us by not coming here so in discipline we will paint your face dark

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