Meet 21st-Oct-2021 Written Update:

The episode starts with Babita says Meet can’t enter to our house if she goes to do her delivery work and in that case she won’t have 6 months time to prove herself and everyone leaves. Meet feels bad than Raj consoles her telling he will talk with Babita again. Meet thinks how can she run their house without earning money. Meet comes to kitchen and notices worker is worried as mixer is not working and he feels tensed thinking Masoom scolds him if he fails to serve smoothie to her on time. Meet repairs the mixy and he praises her saying she have solution to every problem. Meet thinks how to solve her problem of earning money for her house expenses than Servant informs Meet that Babita is calling her.

Meet goes Babita room and about to fell down but Babita saves her by holding her. Meet says she is learning how to walk wearing sarees. Babita gives her saree Designed for her. Meet thanks her and about to hug her but Babita stops her saying this house ladies have grace which you’re missing that’s why I designed it for you. Meet says you’re soft from inside like coconut and you solved my dress problem so solve my work problem too. Babita says don’t talk with me about your delivery work and change the dress and you have only 6months time to prove yourself and you can hire personal trainer for your improvement. Chavi comes to Babita room and handovers the gift she bought for her than she tells to Babita that she will train Meet. Babita agrees than She tells to Meet that Chavi helps her in her grooming. Chavi asks Meet to comes to hall after an hour.

Manushi asks Kunal to take her to honeymoon to Switzerland and Kunal tells her that he forgot his passport at home and asks if she have her passport. Manushi says even she forgot her passport. Kunal says we can’t go to Switzerland so I will order swiss cake. Manushi agrees.

Meet feels happy wearing her dress which looks like saree and she can do anything wearing that dress and she rotates holding her pallu and it falls on Meet Ahlwat face than she apologies to him. Meet Ahlawat says better be and it’s not garden to rotate and she fails to pin her saree than he helps her to pin it. Meet thanks him
Meet Ahlawat says I helped you so you will leave from here immediately. Meet says I’m not dying to bear your sweat smell and Meet Ahlwat says it’s common when we return from gym. Meet about to talk about her delivery job than stops remembering Babita warning and goes out.

Meet 20th-Oct-2021 Written Update:

Chavi asks Meet which one she wants to try in foot wear. Meet says we have to wear according to comfort. Chavi makes Meet wear her sandals and she reads Masoom letter and she makes Meet walk and tells to Meet that she can start her job without informing to Babita as she will be in her office. Meet says she can’t lie. Ragini asks Meet to go to her room saying Meet is calling her. Masoom asks why Meet calling her. Ragini says Meet is calling you and Isha but he needs to understand that his wife will do the work. Meet comes to room. Meet Ahlwat thinks it’s Masoom who entered than he asks her to choose dress to her. Meet takes one shirt than Masoom says he don’t like this dress that’s why he never wore it thsn she chooses another shirt ti him. Meet takes 2shirts without seeing them than he comes out wearing shirt given by Meet and Masoom gets shocked seeing him.

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