Main Hoon Aparajita Written Updates 27th September 2022:

Main Hoon Aparajita Written Updates 27th September 2022 1ST EPISODE on

Episode begins with Aparajita doing a Pooja to God. She is demonstrated to do clothing business. A client comes to the Landry shop and requests the proprietor. The client says his manager’s brother by’s marriage is today and some garments have been ruined and say he needs these garments prepared by today 5 pm and he inquires as to whether she can make it happen.

Aparajita says she can. The client inquires as to whether she does everything alone. Aparajita says she has 3 kids and they are dependably with her. The young ladies awaken and discuss why they didn’t hear the alert. Chhavi has hiccups. Disha and Aasha discuss the test results. Chhavi attempts to leave saying she will get water and later go along with them. Her sisters stop her and make her hydrate and tells her not to become stressed over the test results.

Guffran apologizes to Aparajita for arriving behind schedule. Aparajita says that time will give everything except it doesn’t give time and says advises him to get to work. Dadi sees the sisters and prods them saying as her mom went to work early they dozed adequately and are late. Disha asks Dadi who saw Ranbir Kapoor’s film the previous evening. While talking Dadi discusses their Father. Later she gets it and keeps quiet.

Disha says your child and our dad is great in examinations however not in the family, that is the reason he left us yet not to stress as we are with you. They embrace her. Aparajita comes to get the young ladies. Disha apologizes to Aparajita. Aparajita acclaims Aasha and everybody gets in the vehicle. Chhavi actually has hiccups. Dadi converses with Aparajita and inquires as to whether she received her message.

Aparajita says she got that is the reason she came here on time. Aparajita drops the young ladies at their objective. Chhavi returns and converses with Aparajita saying she is having a cerebral pain. Aparajita gives the tablet for cerebral pain and inquires as to whether the justification behind the migraine is the outcomes. Chhavi doesn’t reply. Aparajita makes a quip to Chhavi to encourage her.

Chhavi giggles at the joke and with it, her hiccups additionally stop. Aparajita tells Chhavi not to obtain stressed over the outcomes. Chhavi says in the event that she likewise bombs this time, she will be in Disha’s group and individuals will chuckle at us. Aparajitha tells Chhavi not to ponder others and petition God.

Pup comes to Aparajitha’s home with desserts. Pup asks Aparajita she heard that her Chhavi has flopped once more. Aparajita doesn’t reply. Little dog offers a guidance to Aparajita saying to make Chhavi’s marriage. Aparajita converses with Pup saying Aasha turned into a clincher in the tenth, Disha likewise got great imprints, Chhavi has not passed however she showed improvement over last time and she will get better one year from now and says she will do marriage after they become something. Pup says they will just do clothing like you. Aparajita gives her a fitting answer.

Aparajita seeing the garments asks Guffran when I asked you, you said this request has been finished. Guffran says he thought it was one more request and expressed yes to her on the telephone. Aparajita says we need to convey them by 5 pm. The power goes off. Guffran apologizes to Aparajita.

Aparajita advises him to gain an example from his mix-ups and not recurrent the slip-ups. The young ladies ask Aparajita how might they wash the garments as there is no power. Aparajita reminds that individuals used to wash garments even before there is no power. Aparajita and her little girls wash the garments that should be conveyed then they iron them and spot in a van. Disha drives the van.

Chhavi sits in the back with the garments. Asha likewise goes along with them. At the point when they are driving. The young men see Chhavi and begin eve-prodding her. Disha hearing the remarks on Chhavi she stops and takes a stick to thump them. Asha stops Disha and says they need to make conveyance. The young men see the clothing promotion on the van and begin discussing their dad. The lodging administrator asks Aparajita where are the garments.

Aparajita says her young ladies have previously passed on with garments and attempts to call them. Disha begins beating the young men and their bicycle. The young men take off from that point. The lodging administrator cautions Aparajita that on the off chance that his occupation is gone in light of her, he won’t leave her. Disha and the young ladies bring the garments and say it is their shortcoming and asks the lodging administrator not to fault their mother.

The lodging chief says they did no huge thing by welcoming the garments on time. Aparajita asks Disha for what reason are they late. Disha apologizes for being late and lets Aparajita know that on the way some young men are remarking on Chhavi. Asha expresses from that point that Disha has thumped them and separated their bicycle. Disha signals Asha not to talk. Aparajita says they need to party as Asha started things out in the tenth class.

Dadi is in the kitchen and Aparajita and the young ladies come to the kitchen and they see that Dadi requested Chinese. Dadi says the young ladies told her what occurred on the way So she considered rather making food it is smarter to eat instant food that is the reason she requested chinese food.

Aparajita advises the young ladies to prepare. The cabbie asks Akshay that he said he used to live here and how could he fail to remember his location. Akshay makes statements change a ton in 15 years. Aparajita and Dadi discuss what occurred. Aparajita says she isn’t stressed over herself however she is stressed over the kids as they need to confront what she has gone through.

At the point when Akshay is searching for the location Asha goes through a puddle and water falls on Akshay’s garments. Asha apologizes to Akshay thinking he is an outsider. Akshay asks Asha for the location. Asha lets him know how to arrive at there.

Aparajita sees Asha accompanied a great deal of chocolates. Aparajitha inquires as to for what reason did she bring these many chocolates. Asha says they are both for herself and Dadi.

Aparajita sees the downpour and keeping in mind that she is shutting the entryway she sees Akshay and reviews how he had left her. Akshay asks Aparajita how is she? Aparajita asks Akshay what is he doing here? Akshay says he has come to Noida on work and he is remaining in a close by inn. Akshay says as tomorrow is Chhavi’s birthday he considered investing energy with her.

Aparajita asks him not to come inside and says his shoes are grimy. Akshay comes inside and says everything is something very similar and says he will remain here for a couple of days. Aparajita asks him not to head inside and says his garments are wet and says she will send towel. Akshay asks what is she attempting to demonstrate by doing halting him? Aparajita says Dadi could do without grimy things and says when pariahs come they stay here. Akshay reminds Aparajita that this house is his. Aparajita says she remembered anything.

Also read: Main Hoon Aparajita Written Updates 26th September 2022

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