Imlie 18th-Oct-2021 Written Update:

The episode begins with the guests entering the house. Harsh calls Imlie. A committee member says that there is no mistake in their preparations like all the time. Harsh praises Imlie. Imlie says that if they praise her then she have to thank them but then she has no time for such things. She says Bhajan will start. Harsh asks whether someone is doing Bhajan to which Imlie says Rupali Tripathi welcoming her. Adithya gets surprised seeing her

. Rupali is playing the Veena and everyone claps for her. She sings the Jai Jagdish Hare. Radha says to Nishant that after a long time Rupali is playing Veena and asks how this happened. Nishant says Imlie is the reason. Radha thanks her along with Harsh. Imlie says there is no crying program and asks the couples to do Aarti. They all start the Pooja and does Aarti of the Goddess Durga followed by the couples. Malini thinks that Adithya will do Aarti with her. Aparna asks Adithya to do the Aarti. Malini tries to join him.

Nani sees this . Imlie sees him doing Aarti as well and does Aarti with him. Nani comes to Malini and asks why she is staring at Adithya. She asks to give her eyes some rest. Malini asks her to leave her hand. Nani leaves her hand when the Aarti is completed. Malini to ruin the Pooja sets up the fire in the hall. Everyone panics. Nishant asks how did this happen. Imlie sees Rupali unconcious and rushes to her. But a Man pushes her and lifts Rupali in his arms. Everyone gets shocked seeing Pranav. Rupali who got concious gets shocked as well. Imlie thanks him. Aparna asks her not to say anything. Pranav asks her whether she is fine. Nishant asks him to stop and says he has lost the right to take her name. Pranav says he is here to apologise.

Imlie asks why they are shouting at the person that saved her. Harsh says he has put fire in her Life. Imlie asks who is he. Rupali says he is Pranav. Imlie says why they are silent and says to Pranav that he has done soo many mistakes and he has betrayed her but still here to apologise to her. She asks him to leave the house. Pranav asks her to give him a chance. He asks her to throw him out if she doesn’t trust him. He says he wants to fix everything. Imlie says he is lying. Malini asks her to shut up and let him talk to Rupali. Imlie says she can’t shut up after seeing Rupali crying many times. She tells about her pain. She tells to Pranav that he has saved Rupali and says she can’t send him alone.

Imlie 16th-Oct-2021 Written Update:

Malini asks her to shut up and says whether it’s her hobby to ruin couples. Adithya asks to let her say and says she has always been right. Pranav tells Imlie that she knows nothing about their relationship. Adithya says Imlie is his wife. Pranav begs Rupali to give him a chance and sits on his knees. Rupali looks at Imlie and leaves from there. Harsh asks Pranav to leave. Everyone goes for Rupali. Pranav gets a call. Imlie looks at him. The Screen Freezes On Imlie.

Precap: MLA asks Pranav whether he got the proofs. Pranav says no. MLA says he is his relative that’s why he gave him this responsibility. Pranav says he will get the pendrive. He says that this is important for him. Imlie asks him what is important.

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