Harphoul Mohini 31st October 2022 Written Update:

Harphoul Mohini 31st October 2022 Written Update on serialtalk.com

Episode starts with Harphoul asks Balwant that where is Mohini. In the interim, Mohini says that stand by is finished and she is coming to get payback for everybody’s tears. She shouts. He hears her shout and goes inside the house. Banwari goes to Balwant and inquires as to whether the last option is fine.

Harphoul look through Mohini. In the mystery room, containers flies alongside Mohini. Mohini grins seeing that. Harphoul approaches the mystery room. He ponders that where is Mohini. He says that he is feeling like she is close to him. He sees the mystery room.

He accepts that Mohini is inside the room. He opens the entryway and heads inside. He look through Mohini. He tracks down her laying oblivious. He get her. He tells her that he won’t allow anything to happen to her and takes her from that point.

Banwari requests that Balwant awaken. Balwant recaptures his cognizance. He asks him that where is Mohini. Harphoul emerges from the house with Mohini. Banwari conceals seeing Harphoul. Balwant requests that his mens stop Harphoul. Be that as it may, Harphoul takes Mohini from that point.

Following day, Harphoul arrives at his home with Mohini. He sees watermelon seed all over. He is going to eliminate it. Be that as it may, she stops him. She takes the watermelon seed and eats it. Maai gets close to home seeing Mohini and she embraces her. She tells her that she got frightened. She inquires as to whether the last option is fine. She takes her inside the house. Mohini reviews that how she went into the house first time. She additionally reviews Harphoul’s words. Maai requests that Shalini take Mohini to the room.

Vijayan requests that Mohini stop. He tells her that she can’t remain in that house. Mohini lets him know that she won’t leave Nakroli. He inquires as to whether she truly need to remain in this town. He says that Nakroli individuals never figured out Mohini’s actual worth. She lets him know that her choice is conclusive. She says that she will live in this town till her passing. He tells her that this town never acknowledged her. He gets some information about society. He says that she can live as his girl. She lets him know that at some point penance is important. She is sorry to him saying that she can’t leave with him. She says that she has such a great amount to do in this town and goes to her room.

Then again, Balwant sees the messed up container. He asks Banwari that from where this new watermelon came. He arranges him to bring Tantrik. Banwari advises him that the last option killed Tantrik. Balwant says that he will kill Mohini.

Mohini heaves. Shyamala tells her that she is stressed over her. Mohini tells her that she is fine. She embraces her folks. She says that she is sufficiently able to deal with herself and heads inside. Vijayan lets Harphoul know that he have no faith in him. Harphoul lets him know that he began cherishing Mohini. Mohini’s folks leaves from that point.

Harphoul converses with Mohini from outside the room. He is sorry to her and leaves from that point. Mohini rests. Goddess lets Mohini know that the last option has her gifts. She says that Mohini will give a birth to a child young lady. She says that that young lady will battle for every one of the ladies. Balwant says that nobody can bring forth child young lady in his town.

Also read: Harphoul Mohini Written Update 21st October 2022

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