Ghar Ek Mandir 14th-Oct-2021 Written Update:

Kundan in shop asks Ramesh where is Varun, Ramesh says I think inside workshop, Hetal walks in with her father and asks for necklace, Kundan asks Varun is necklace ready, Varun says actually, Maharaji says I told you your work will be done, Hetal says I didn’t get it yet, Maharaji says if its ready give ut to her, Varun says actually Papa, Hetal says can I see my necklace,

Varun says okay and hands her the box, Hetal says this is not I want, Varun says I know sorry, Hetal says its prettier, so beautiful and amazing you work so well here its a master piece, thank you so much and Maharaj uncle thank you for sending me here. Ramesh says nice work Varun, Kundan says very delicate work good job, Hetal pays and leaves.

Kundan says Varun I am very impressed, such beautiful work, I am so proud of you, Maharaji thinks your wife is your strength Varun now lets see how you manage your personal life.

Genda in pooja ghar, thinking about Varun’s behaviour, Shivam walks to her and asks what are you doing, Genda says pooja, Shivam says tell me what pooja even Mummy and Dadi were doing some pooja, Genda says come sit and explain him about 9 durga and todays pooja is so that good wins over bad.

Shivam sits with Genda for Pooja and does aarti with her. Maharaji in his shop says Genda I know you are upset but don’t worry, time has come Varun has understood your importance, and you will end the bad in society and Varun will help you in this and this will happen today.

Shivam tries to talk to Anuradha she says go to your room, Anuradha asks Genda where was she last night, Genda thinks if I tell them I was with Varun things will go worst, Genda leaves without answering, Nisha says to Anuradha look at her behaviour, Anuradha says Varun will answer now.

Also read: Ghar Ek Mandir 13th-Oct-2021 Written Update:

Kundan very impressed with Varun. Kundan gets call from Anuradha, Kundan tells her about Varun’s work, Anuradha happy hearing that, Nisha surprised, Kundan says today Varun proved he is responsible, Nisha says talk to Varun, Anuradha says ask Varun to come home and have something.

Genda serving Varun food, Anuradha says Varun today your Dad was so happy after so long, he praised your work so much, and you did it and I am happy, Nisha thinking when will she talk about Genda. Nisha says Genda must be happy too, Anuradha says that she needs to support hee husband, in everything, Varun looks at Genda, Anuradha asks Varun why isn’t he happy, Varun says I am fine.

Genda goes in kitchen. Nisha signs Anuradha, Anuradha says Varun I have to talk regarding Genda. Genda walks out. Anuradha says she didn’t even answer me. Varun says you all want to know where she was, let me tell you, she was with me all night in the shop, Maharaji smiles. Varun says I called her there, Anuradha asks why,

Varun says she got me food and medicine, I was unwell, and shop was closed and so stoo stretching the topic and looks at Nisha, Varun says I slept but she didn’t was with me all night and Genda go sleep you must be tired, Genda says I don’t want to you should sleep.
Maharaji says Varun, don’t worry Genda will accept you but you have to work for it and I have promised Mahalakshmi that Genda will have her husband’s support.

Genda looking for charger in her room, Varun asleep. she sees charger is beside Varun, she slowly sits beside him to take charger, Varun holds her hand, and looks at her and says won’t you forgive ne, Genda asks for what, Varun says I am really sorry, Genda smiles and gets up and says you aren’t apologising because you are guilty but because customer liked the necklace and only we both know that necklace is made by me and this will be between us, Varun says Genda what are you saying,

Genda says would you apologise if the necklace was bad, no and it is because our relationship is based on society expectations, we are husband wife and this relationship is understanding eachother but you never take effort and if you apologise at your convenience so will I. Nisha hiding and listening. Genda says yes one more thing and my other works like cooking, taking care of family, I will always do them.

Precap :

Anuradha’s friends ask her to join Dandiya party.Varun asks Nisha to bring Genda with her.Nisha insists Genda to come to the party.Genda dancing with stranger, Varun sees that.Nisha says the surprise is now Varun will slap Genda for this.

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