Seher says for what reason would you say you are acting like it’s your last day? He says later mishap I’ve understood each second is unique. Lassi? Seher gievs him lassi. He grins at Seher. Rajveer plays with the children.
Gullu says I won. Harleen takes a gander at them and says giggle as much as ou need. Harleen says to PAram for what reason would you say you are doing this? He says you made me lawmaker. I’ve to sit with masses.
Karan says to Seher what will I say? She says I will be with you relax. Harleen says today Sarab’s genuine child will introduce Punjab dal. Sarab will be so glad. Kulwant says every one of the three children will be together and Sarab and Meher will find a sense of contentment. Harleen says we are getting late. Rajveer asks before Mehe and Sarab’s photograph. He says I am grieved. Seher comes. Seher reviews the mallet occurrence. He says I realize you converse with them when you’re troubled. Is everything alright?
Seher says I feel unusual. Seher says from today all that will be wonderful in your life. You will be cheerful until the end of time. Seher says I felt so fragmented without you. Rajveer says you are my solidarity. Rajveer embraces Seher. He says in heart pardon me however I’ve no other choice. He says all cosmetics destroyed. Try not to cry. What will individuals say? She says I just consideration regarding what you say. Seher embraces Raj. Kulwant hacks. She says I made halwa. Eat this. I’sa important day. She makes them eat.
Also read: Choti Sardarni 28th December 2021 Written Update:
Scene 2
Everybody comes to the vehicle. Rajveer says to Param and Karan I truly wish you three stay together today and until the end of time. Karan says let past be gone. Rajveer says you both are Seher’s solidarity. Param embraces him. Harleen says we should go Karan. She tells the vehicle number of Kulwant’s vehicle to her hooligan.
The driver says to Kulwant AC isn’t working. Seher says go in our vehicle. We will go in the other vehicle. Rajveer says definitely we will go in this house. Rajveer likewise tells wrong number to his thug. He says that person Raj will be in white coat. Seher says how about we go. We are getting late. He gives her a rose. Seher says all affection in one day? He says OK.
Seher drives Rajveer. He holds her hand. Seher says I am so glad. I simply need everything goes alright between my siblings. Their bond was dependably feeble. I don’t hate Harleen bua yet I simply need to see my siblings cheerful. Rajveer plays music. He kisses Seher’s hand. A vehicle stops before them. Hooligans come out.
Seher expresses what is this? Rajveer says I needed to carry on with for what seems like forever with you Seher. However, it’s only not in our face. He leaves the vehicle. Seher says to thugs what is this? They seize Seher all things being equal. Rajveer is stunned. Rajveer can’t see. He says Seher.. They push him. He falls and blacks out. Rajveer can’t see. He says how might they commit such a major error. Rajveer calls Seher.
The thugs say Harleen said there will be one lady in the vehicle and we need to grab her. Rajveer calls his hooligan and says you abducted the spouse all things being equal. Return her back you simpleton. The hooligan says however we didn’t arrive. Seher cries. She says Rajveer..
Scene 3
Everybody shows up at the initiation. Param says where could nani and Karan be? Harleen says in heart they will not at any point arrive. She says they will come relax. Karan and Kulwant come. rajveer gets in the vehicle yet he can’t see. Rajveer calls Seher. Seher picks the call. She’s in the storage compartment. Seher says Raj.. Rajveer says would you say you are alright? Seher say where are they taking me? I’m exceptionally frightened. I can’t relax. Rajveer is concerned for her. He says Seher, I will be there for you. Relax. Simply stay solid. Converse with your folks. Seher reviews her minutes with her folks.
Rajveer runs out and about. He says attempt to zero in on sounds around. Seher hear azaan. She says I heart azaan. Rajveer says they’re taking you towards that space. Rajveer gets a taxi and says I am coming Seher. Relax. If it’s not too much trouble, remain solid. Rajveer is concerned for her.
Precap :Seher says to Rajveer kindly save me. I must be there for Karan. The media asks Karan are you glad your sibling is made the CEO of Punjab Dal. Punjab says no remarks. The hooligans stop the vehicle and shoot Seher. Rajveer shouts.