Vibhu sitting tight for Prem says he never come on time he is useless. Prem stroll to him says how would I look. Vibhu says you look great and listen when Bhabhiji come then, at that point, attempt to be more practical so she accept that you are from Mars, he says I can smell her scent she is close by.
Angoori says Premji where are you. Prem says I’m here. Vibhu says carry on like dad and don’t do exaggerating and flee. Angoori strolls yo Prem and take gifts says Vibhu let me know that you are my dad from Mars. Prem says OK my kid I’m your dad and you ought to be content since I’m rich.
Angoori says that is OK however for what reason did you left me here. Prem says ne we didn’t left you, when we returned here couple of years to visit you were lost. Angoori says how might you free me for what reason didn’t you hold my hands. Prem says I was having cash in my bith hands however no concerns now we meet one another I’m cheerful.
Angoori says I’m likewise glad now and where is my martian mom. Prem says she is watching youf rom above. Vibhu toss water. Angoori says feom where water is spilling. Prem says it’s not what these are tears of your mom. Angoori says truly, mother love you. Prem says I will be continue to meet you in future however listen make bond with Vibhu in light of the fact that he will just deal with you and whatever he says simply submit to it.
Angoori says alright Dadu Mars from now into the foreseeable future I’ll follow Vibhu, I’ll miss you. Prem says from here on out me and your mom from damages is your family. Angoori says I acknowledge that from now own you are my family and embraces Prem. Tiwari looks them embracing one another says she is having illicit relationship with Prem.
Tiwari move into overhang of Anita’s room and stroll to her. Anu in bed half snoozing awaken and gets terrified expresses what are you doing in my room what happen now. Tiwari says I really want to talk about something significant, Angoori isn’t our now she is seeing another person. Anu expresses what are you talking about, this will influence your wedded life, pay attention to me till the time you don’t have proof tell that time don’t put charges ir else you will free the case. Tiwari says I see Angoori embracing Prem.
Also read: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 5th January 2022 Written Update:
Anu get stunned. Tiwari says I was additionally stunned like you. Anu says I can’t envision are you telling valid. Tiwari says OK and attempt to see at me. Anu says I don’t possess energy for this let me let you know something for the present I don’t have any expectation in your connection. Tiwari says kindly don’t do that, i’m not sure what I fouled up.
Anu says you need to think a little harder, the number of time you disillusioned her, check out her she is observing her solace in an individual like Prem, what you fouled up, I truly don’t know at the present time. Tiwari begin crying. Anu says I can comprehend it’s 12:30 12 PM, I’m layered need some rest, kindly don’t stand. Tiwari get inside her bed. Anu says I’m need to rest now we will examine it tomorrow and kindly leave from where you came.
Next morning Vibhu strolling outside his home. Bhuri Lal come on his sulked. Vibhu gets invigorated subsequent to seeing him and begin giving kisses to him. Bhuri Lal expresses what’s going on with you. Vibhu ask how are you. He dens on him says I want to accomplish my work meet my little girl move from here. Vibhu says you stick after such countless days, didn’t you miss me you made me stranger in one day.
Bhuri Lal says we were rarely related, I came her to meet my little girl, are you intoxicated and calls Angoori. Vibhu additionally call Angoori. Angoori open entryway, get’s invigorated in the wake of seeing Bhuri Lal rush towards him yet pause and recollect that she vowed to Prem that now just you are my dad. Bhuri Lal says come to me my little girl. Angoori figures how might I meet him now I guaranteed my dad from Mars that he is the one to focus on.
He ask how are you my kid. Angoori says I’m great and how are you. He says I’m bad I saw an enthusiastic dream so came to meet you early morning. Vibhu what was your enthusiastic dream, did you see Tiwari and Angoori’s wedding video. He says no I saw my Angoori is underneath bed and crying in light of the fact that and 5-6 individuals encompassed and beating me, I was yelling don’t cry however my Angoori was enthusiastic and was crying.
Angoori ask then what occur, she was going to say Dadu cottage Vibhu show his eyes and she stops. Bhuri lal says she is terrified till now can’t say Dadu, then, at that point, somebody kicked me and I saw it was your mother, she told me assuming you are feeling the loss of her a great deal then, at that point, proceed to meet her, so I came. Angoori says it’s great you come now you would leave.He be able to says till the time I don’t hear Dadu from you I can’t leave, say one time Dadu.
Vibhu says she can’t say assuming that you need may I. Angoori say Da yet can’t say Dadu and flee says I can’t say. Vibhu says I’m sorry she couldn’t say Dadu assuming you need we should drink. Bhuri Lal says would you have care or not is this opportunity to drink this moment listen it’s last opportunity. Vibhu says I realize he got drinking propensity he will fall in trap.
Vibhu and Bhuri Lal outside wine shop drinking. Bhuri Lal says they open early morning. Vibhuti says they are dedicated individuals and we should uphold them. Bhuri Lal says today I’m tragic, Angoori is my girl she generally use to call me Dadu and see now today she didn’t called me Dadu. Vibhu says Angoori isn’t from here she is from Mars and she is Angu Mangala and the previous evening she met her dad too from damages.
Bhuri Lal says are you drinking first time on the off chance that yoi can’t deal with it, quit drinking. Vibhu says this is reality, think on the off chance that she isn’t from Mars why is she not calling you Dadu on the grounds that she is from Mars and she isn’t your little girl. Bhuri Lal says then, at that point, let me know how would it be advisable for me I respond. Vibhu says how about you demand Angoori’s Martian dad then something can occur.
Bhuri lal says this is impossible, I won’t demand anyone so Angoori calls me Dadu. Vibhu says control. Bhuri lal says my little girl is slipping from my hands and you are saying attempt to control. Bhuri Lal crying and drinking. Vibhu says you have part of torment today.
Teek and Malkhan attempting to eliminate Tillu’s head protector yet proved unable. Teeka says to him don’t stress we both will accomplish something. Tillu ask first let me know what both of you going to do. Malkhan says we will attempt to break your protective cap with assistance if hammer and carry them to break cap. Tillu says don’t break my head.
Malkhan says relax. Rusa strolls in and welcome them. TMT welcome her back. Rusa ask Tillu for what reason are you wearing protective cap. Teeka says this is stuck, so we were attempting to eliminate and explain for what reason did you come. Rusa says I came here exceptionally to meet Tillu. Tillu sit with her and inquire as to for what reason did you come. Rusa says the previous evening I saw a fantasy with you and we both were strolling in garden in cheerful state of mind then unexpectedly a wasp come sit on my shoulder,
I got terrified then Tillu captured that wasp and eliminate him and afterward I was going to kiss you on cheeks however out of nowhere my eyes were open so I came here to give you a thankyou kiss. Tillu says hang tight for at some point let my companion eliminate my cap then you can express profound gratitude. Teeka says to Tillu sorry I can’t eliminate. Malkhan says we would rather not face any challenge or, more than likely you will be dead a result of hits. Rusa says relax I don’t need you to he dead you can take as much time as necessary and leave. Tillu says I realize you didn’t eliminate this cap deliberately.
Precap :Tiwari beat Prem on street.Angoori and Vibhu moving and singing.