Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 14th February 2022 Written Update:

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 14th February 2022 Written Update: Tiwari’s lobby finished with valentine’s subject. Angoori strolls down and gets energized subsequent to seeing valentine’s enhancement says wao Tiwari did this for me. Tiwari strolls to her with bouquet and wish her Valentine’s day. Angoori blushes and says same to you. Tiwari says you look excellent like your first valentine’s day. Angoori says that time I was child and you were having mustache.

Tiwari says I did to look youthful and says please sind heartfelt tune for me. Angoori begin singing for him. Tiwari says you don’t need to do pooja and you must be heartfelt and begin singing for her.

Tillu and Malkhan in market having tea. Tillu tells Malkhan tune in on the off chance that Rusa praposed me, she will be my bhabhi and on the off chance that she propose me, you will tie rakhi. Malkhan tells Tillu are you frantic why she will be my sister and your bhabhi and the two of them begin contending. Tillu says I feel like Rusa love me.

Also read: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 11th February 2022 Written Update:

Rusa strolls to them and welcome them says whay are you folks doing here don’t you need to come disco. Malkhan and Tillubsays yes we need to go disco with you yet before that you need to tell who do you love first. Rusa says you both are adorable and you are my dearest companions, you asked who do I love, that I don’t realize at the present time so gives up and commend valentine’s day.

Next morning. Tiwari strolls to Anita’s home. Anu understanding sonnet. Tiwari welcome her. Anu says come sit. Tiwari says would you be able to peruse that sonnet once again. Tiwari makes abnormal face and says it’s not extraordinary, it doesn’t have any weight. Anu makes fun. Tiwari begin giggling. Anu says this sonnet is from somebody renowned artist.

Tiwari says I can likewise compose sonnet in the event that you permit, would it be a good idea for me I. Anu says sure. Tiwari teels his sonnet and ask how would you like. Anu says taunts him for his sonnet and says you won’t say any sonnet infront of me at any point till the time you don’t have torment in your sonnet. Tiwari says OK don’t stress I’ll let you know a sonnet with torment. Anu says well till that permit me to peruse my sonnet.

Angoori in pooja ghar going to God for givine Tiwari to my life. Vibhuti strolls to her and taunts Tiwari. Angoori says he isn’t similar to that he is straightforward person, he can’t see somebody in torment, he can remain appetite and give his food, he is exceptionally passionate, you realize he made may individuals wedded. Vibhu says I will swoon. Angoori says not currently allowed me to say Tiwari’s aarti listen that first and begin singing.

Tillu and Malkhan sitting close to tea slow down. Tillu says I feel bothersome in my grasp. Malkhan says so we going to get cash. Tillu says we don’t have that sort of karma. Tiwari wlaks to them tells them on the off chance that I pay you will you go about my responsibilities. Tillu ask what’s the work. Tiwari says it’s not unexpected what you do as a rule. Malkhan says we quit taking.

Tiwari says you need to affront me and I’ll pay to 1000rs for that comeon start and huet me. Tillu and Malkhan begin deriding and slighting him. Tiwari give them cash and leaves with tears in his eyes.

Vibhu outside Tiwari’s home expresses out loud whatever character she have she is so befuddling. Prem come to Vibhu ask what befall you. Vibhu says go from here. Prem says I need my 5 lakh rupees this month. Anu hear them talking for higher up. Vibhu says listen I’m now not in positive state of mind. Prem gets out whatever would I be able to do then, at that point.

Vibhu says Bhabhiji does strange things, she was doing poojs of Tiwari. Prem says how fortunate he is and my significant other insolence me everytime. Vibhu says and my better half generally give mockery to me and see Anu in gallery and says I’m dead see Anu is remaining there. Prem see her and go. Anu offer hint to Vibhu to come inside.

Tiwari in garden crying says I got such a lot of agony in me presently I’ll utilize this aggravation to compose sonnet and begin making his miserable sonnet. Saxena strolls to him and see him composing sonnet and cheers him says this style is of well known Jhon Puri. Tiwari says OK he is prestigious artist. Saxena says assuming you might permit would I be able to tell one of his sonnet. Tiwari says OK. Saxena tells his sonnet. Tiwari says wao. Saxena says there is a distinction among you and his style and says you are attempting to place things in sonnet.

Tiwari ask and how is the aggravation. Saxena says torment is one of the import and I feel like heaps torment in your sonnet, in actuality your sonnet doesn’t have any feelings. Tiwari says let me know how would it be advisable for me I help feelings. Saxena says you need to take passionate agony. Tiwari says I took some aggravation from young men. Saxena says I have a thought, you ought to get affronted from bhabhiji. Tiwari and Saxena hear Tillu and Malkhan taunting him.

Same evening. Tiwari in lobby shares with himself how might request that Angoori affront me, she isn’t of that sort yet I’ll attempt. Angoori strolls to him and concerning who are you discussing. Tiwari says I was discussing you as it were. Angoori says now you shutup and I have composed a sonnet for yourself and tell him. Tiwari says I’m not a divine being I’m an awful individual who affront everybody and carry on with work of underpants.

Angoori says for what reason are you saying all thses about yourself. Tiwari says I’m not saying regarding me, you need to say like this. Angoori says for what reason I’ll do this, I can’t disregard me. Tiwari says you need to affront me I swear you. Angoori says affront him and ask would it be a good idea for me I say more. Tiwari offer her hint to continue.

Anu in lobby. Vibhu strolls to her says I suspect as much I got cold, sit adjacent to her and apologize. Anu says kindly don’t converse with me I’m harmed. Vibhu gets out whatever I said wrong to Prem you disregard me. Anu says I can be food to you however explain to me for what reason would it be a good idea for me I do, what so decent work you did. Vibhu says you are extending things. Anu says let me know how you treated great that I can build a sanctuary on your name.

Vibhu says I said everything for no particular reason. Anu says you need to affront your significant other for no particular reason. Vibhuti says I don’t affront you for the sake of entertainment. Anu says how do I have any idea about that. Vibhu says I realize you are furious on the grounds that we didn’t do any sentiment from numerous days so come allows to go to room. Anu says no I’ll rest here. David strolls in and welcome them.

They additionally welcome them and Vibhu ask how are you and let me know what occur about case. David says let me breath and spruce up then let you know everything. Vibhu says alright you go higher up spruce up I’ll meet you there. Anu says no I adjusted my perspective I’ll go higher up. David ask him what befall her. Vibhu says you can’t foresee when there emotional episodes.

Precap :Everyone at Tiwari’s home. Malkhan disregards Tiwari. Angoori strolls down and disregard Tiwari. Ammaji strolls in and see Angoori disregarding him. Ammaji hear everything and swoons.

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