Barrister Babu 22nd-Oct-2021 Written Update:

The episode starts with Batuk sneaking into Som’s room and reading the letter Tapur wrote for him,he replaced it with another letter. Next morning Tapur stops Som to tell him something but is unable to say. Som tells his patient is waiting for him. Tapur gives him the letter and says this is what she wanted to tell. Som tells he will read it later. Bonditta gets excited watching so many dishes on the breakfast table. Sampurna tells your husband wants to fill your life with taste like you filled colors in his life. Bonditta tells she will eat samosa but changes her mind and tell she will eat kachori. In the end Bonditta decides to eat puchka.

Tapur tells today Anirudh jamai babu will feed Bonditta with his own hand. Bonditta thinks which perfume has Anirudh applied she feels like vomitting from it’s smell. Batuk asks her why is she not eating did she change her mind again? Bonditta tries eating but vomits on Batuk. Batuk shouts at her and tells her is she a kid and why is it so difficult to explain everything to her? Trilochan tells Batuk he is not Batuk now he is Anirudh. Batuk tells he can bear anything but not vomit. Trilochan tells you should take the responsibility like Anirudh,if he would have been alive he would have let Bonditta vomit.

Batuk tells Anirudh did everything for Bonditta and what did she give her? He died saving Bonditta. Som reads the letter given to him by Tapur. He reads Tapur is a devotee of Lord Shiva and she wants his idol placed along with Maa Durga in the house and if he accepts this condition than drop a orange flower. Som gives Tapur an orange flower. Bonditta asks Anirudh if he is okay and apologizes to him if she has hurt him unknowingly.

Also read: Barrister Babu 21st-Oct-2021 Written Update:

Tapur tells Bonditta she is really very happy and gave him flower. Bonditta asks did he say anything? Tupur says our Tapur will stay very happy. Batuk asks Bonditta she doesn’t seem happy. Bonditta asks Som if he wants to know anything or if he has anything in his mind? Som tells he has one condition he doesn’t want Tapur to continue making medicines after marriage. Bonditta tries to oppose but Tapur says she has no problem. Bonditta asks Tapur why did she accept Som’s talent? Bonditta thinks if Som is really broad minded why would he have problem with her working after marriage. Batuk calls Trilochan and tells him Som and Tapur are ready for marriage so find a date for aashirwaad ceremony.

Bonditta asks Tapur did she give the letter to Som with her own hand? Tupur tells Bonditta to stop thinking and start preparing for the ceremony. Batuk thinks on this ceremony Bonditta will get seperated from her sisters. Bondiita tells Batuk she knew he is hiding something. The episode ends with Batuk asking what is he hiding?

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